(a) No sanitary sewer shall be constructed to connect with a public sewer, nor shall any connection be made to a public sewer within the City or in any territory surrounding the City until the written permission of the Director of Public Service has been obtained by the person employed to perform the work, or by the owner of the lands to be served through such connection to the public sewer.
(Ord. 351. Passed 10-24-54.)
(b) Whoever desires to tap a sewer owned or controlled by the City shall file an application with the Director of Public Service.
(c) The application shall contain a description of the premises to be drained. If more than one lot is to be drained, a plat shall be filed with the application showing the location of each lot and such other information as the Director of Public Service shall require. No permit shall be granted or application approved for the tapping of the sanitary sewer, unless the use or the proposed use of the premises described in the application, conforms fully to the Zoning Code of the City.
(Ord. 18-63. Passed 3-11-63.)
When an application for a sewer line tap pursuant to Section 941.09 is filed for a sewer line that has been constructed privately under a private sewer line agreement between the City and a private land owner, the Director of Public Service shall charge the applicant a sum in conformity with the following schedule:
Pro rata costs as computed from the cost statement as provided in the private sewer line agreement, plus ten percent, provided such taps or connections are made within five years after the cost statement has been filed with the Director of Public Service. An additional ten percent shall be added for each subsequent five-year interval for a total of twenty years after filing the statement, after which all rights to collect the fee are terminated.
(Ord. 16-70. Passed 2-10-70.)
Upon making an application to tap any main trunk or lateral sewer built or owned by the City for the purpose of draining the house sewer of any property directly into such main trunk or lateral sewer, and where the property has not been heretofore specially assessed for the construction of a sewer to provide a lateral sewer benefit, the Director of Public Service shall cause a fee to be exacted for the privilege of making such a direct connection from the house sewer to such main trunk or lateral sewer before a permit is issued therefor.
(Ord. 4-70. Passed 1-12-70.)
(Ord. 63-89. Passed 5-22-89; Ord. 7-96. Passed 1-22-96.)
Beginning January 1, 2000 the fee to be exacted under Section 941.13 shall be computed on the basis of twenty-nine dollars ($29.00) a foot of width of the property as defined in Sections 941.15, 941.16, 941.17 and 941.18. All sums collected hereunder shall be placed to the credit of the Water Wastewater Sewer Fund.
Beginning January 1, 2001 the fee to be exacted under Section 941.13 shall be computed on the basis of forty dollars ($40.00) a foot of width of the property as defined in Sections 941.15, 941.16, 941.17 and 941.18. All sums collected hereunder shall be placed to the credit of the Water Wastewater Sewer Fund.
The fee referred to in this section shall be reviewed by the Water Wastewater Superintendent on an annual basis, and a report made to Council as to any adjustment(s) that should be made. The first report should be made January 1, 2001.
(Ord. 39-99. Passed 4-12-99)
Lots or parcels of ground having the same width at the front and rear and the same depth on each side shall be charged the fee provided in Section 941.14 on the basis of the actual frontage. However, if a lot or parcel of ground abuts on a street or other public way and the owner elects to construct a building fronting on the street or public way abutting such depth, the fee shall be exacted for such depth.
(Ord. 4-70. Passed 1-12-70.)