(a) No person shall connect or cause to be connected to the sanitary sewer system of the City or any part thereof, any conduit which conveys directly or indirectly, surface or roof water from any building, structure, yard or paved surface.
(b) All surface or roof water shall be conveyed to the street or storm sewer in bell and spigot pipe laid on a regular grade on original undisturbed earth or on timber supports sufficient to prevent settlement. All pipe joints within ten feet of any building or structure shall be sealed.
(c) Each day of any violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 28-68. Passed 7-8-68.)
(a) Sewage, including wastes from water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, laundries, cellar floor drains, garage floor drains, bars, soda fountains, cuspidors, refrigerator drips, drinking fountains, stable floor drains and other objectionable wastes shall be discharged into a sanitary or combined sewer and in no case into a storm water sewer.
(b) Industrial waste shall not be discharged into a storm water sewer but may be discharged into a sanitary sewer if the waste is of such character as not to be detrimental to the sewer system or to the sewage treatment works. Where such waste is detrimental to the sewer system or sewage treatment works it shall be otherwise disposed of in a satisfactory manner or so improved in character as not to be detrimental to the sewer system or sewage treatment works, and in a manner to be determined by the Director of Public Service.
(Ord. 120. Passed 9-16-37.)
(a) A trap for the interception of grease, oil, and mud shall be provided on a connection from a hotel, restaurant, club, food, and bakery preparation establishment, commercial or institutional kitchen and from a public garage, automobile washing station, slaughter or packing house. Such trap shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service.
(b) Grease, oil, and mud traps where existing shall be pumped and cleaned on a bimonthly basis by a qualified service organization and a confirming report forwarded by the business operator to the Superintendent of Sewers prior to the last day of the bimonthly period.
(c) Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be subject to the provisions of Section 941.99(d).
(Ord. 154-74. Passed 11-25-74.)
(a) No sanitary sewer shall be constructed to connect with a public sewer, nor shall any connection be made to a public sewer within the City or in any territory surrounding the City until the written permission of the Director of Public Service has been obtained by the person employed to perform the work, or by the owner of the lands to be served through such connection to the public sewer.
(Ord. 351. Passed 10-24-54.)
(b) Whoever desires to tap a sewer owned or controlled by the City shall file an application with the Director of Public Service.
(c) The application shall contain a description of the premises to be drained. If more than one lot is to be drained, a plat shall be filed with the application showing the location of each lot and such other information as the Director of Public Service shall require. No permit shall be granted or application approved for the tapping of the sanitary sewer, unless the use or the proposed use of the premises described in the application, conforms fully to the Zoning Code of the City.
(Ord. 18-63. Passed 3-11-63.)