The operator shall comply with the following conditions, and the Service Director shall be charged specifically with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this section.
(a) Construction and maintenance of the transmission and distribution system shall bed in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code (also referred to as the Code of the Board of Underwriters), and such applicable ordinances and regulations of the State and the City as may be presently in effect or may become effective in the future.
(b) The operator shall, at his cost and expense, install and maintain during the life of the permit granted by ordinance, and/or cause to be installed and maintained by the Ohio Bell Telephone Company or any other public or quasi-public utility, adequate shielding, filtering and grounding as to prevent interference with television and radio reception of nonsubscribers to the operator's service or services.
(c) All Federal Communication Commission rules and regulations governing RF (radio frequency) interference presently in effect, and as may become effective in the future, will be observed.
(d) Additional emphasis is supplied to subsection (c) hereof as follows: Any interference with the City's radio communication activities, as determined by the Director, shall be eliminated immediately by the operator.
(e) All installations of equipment shall be of a permanent nature and durable, installed in accordance with accepted good engineering practices; sufficient to comply with all existing State and City rules, regulations and ordinances, so as not to interfere in any manner with the right of the public or individual property owners; and shall not interfere with the travel and use of public places; and during construction, repair and removal thereof, shall not obstruct or impede traffic or unnecessarily or unreasonably interfere with the use or enjoyment of public or private property adjacent there to. The operator shall obtain advance written approval by the Director of any installation of equipment in or on property owned by the City and on which the City holds easement rights, and shall, upon completion of such installation, furnish the Director with accurate maps and other supporting data showing the location of such installation. In the event that any such installation should therefore interfere with a proposed public use of such property and easement, the operator shall, upon written request by the Director, relocate such installation, at the operators expense.
(f) In operating his system, the operator shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(1) The system will produce a picture, whether in black and white or in color, that is undistorted, free from ghost images and accompanied by proper sound on typical, standard production television sets in good repair, and equal in all aspects to what the state of the art permits;
(2) The system will transmit signals of adequate strength to produce good sound and/or good pictures with good sound at all subscriber outlets without causing cross modulation in the cable or interfering with other electrical or electronic systems;
(3) The operator will be able to demonstrate by instruments or otherwise to subscribers, upon request, that a signal of adequate strength and quality as described in subsection (f)(1) and (2) hereof, is being delivered by the system.
(4) The operator will render efficient service, make repairs promptly, and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible.
(5) The operator will strive, insofar as is practical, for the betterment of his system, taking advantage of all reasonable improvements as they become available to him.
(6) In the event of interruption or discontinuation of service without fault or neglect of the subscriber for a period in excess of twenty-four hours within a one month period, the operator shall refund or give credit to the subscriber for a period of discontinuance or interruption in excess of twenty-four hours within a one month period.
(7) Whenever it is necessary to shut off or interrupt service to make repairs, adjustments, installations or for any other purpose, the operator shall do so at such time as will cause the least amount of inconvenience to its subscribers and, unless such interruption is unforeseen and immediately necessary, it shall give forty-eight hours notice to its customers.
(g) The operator shall maintain a business office in Franklin County, Ohio, which will be open at least 9:00 a.m., to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; and at least 9:00 a. m. to noon, Saturdays, excluding legal holidays. This office will have a listed telephone, with an adequate number of lines to handle typical traffic, and will be so operated that complaints and requests for repairs and adjustments may be received and subsequently processed with a minimum of delay.
(h) The operator shall provide the Service Director with the name of his chief management employee, so that complaints or comments made to any City office may be referred to the operator for proper action at any time. The Company shall notify each subscriber, at the time of initial subscription to the service of the Company, of the procedures for reporting and resolving such complaints.
(Ord. 142-90. Passed 12-10-90.)
(i) In the case of any emergency or disaster, the operator shall, upon request of the Mayor or the official performing the duties of the Mayor, make available, without charge, any and all of his facilities for use by the City during the emergency or disaster.
(j) The operator shall make his basic service available without charge to all public and parochial schools located within the City.
(1) Installation and service will be subject only to a school being contiguous to a main or lateral cable, or within range of radio waves if radio waves are utilized by the operator for the transmission and distribution of signals.
(2) This requirement is for a single connection per school.
(3) There will be no limit as to the number of television receivers a school may operate from this connection, but the expense of installing and maintaining an internal distribution system will be the responsibility of the school.
(4) Any internal distribution system installed by a school must conform to all applicable Federal, State and City rules, regulations and ordinances, and must be operated in such a manner as not to interfere with the operator's system.
(k) The operator shall provide his basic monthly service without charge to each City office building, police station, recreation center and any other public buildings specified by the Mayor and Director now and hereafter operated by the City.
(1) Installation and service will be subject only to the public buildings being contiguous to a main or lateral cable, or within range of radio waves if radio waves are utilized by the operator for the transmission and each distribution of signals.
(2) This requirement is for a single connection per public building.
(l) All such connections as specified in subsections (j) and (k) hereof shall be provided at such time as the operator's system is actually servicing the area where such places are located.
(m) The operator shall provide one video channel for exclusive use by the City as it deems fit, without restriction, and shall not knowingly compete with any program presented by the City, through duplication thereof, in whole or in part.
(n) The operator shall provide one video channel for exclusive use by local educational authorities as it deems fit, without restriction, and shall not knowingly compete with any program presented by the local educational authorities, through duplication thereof, in whole or in part.
(o) The operator shall provide one noncommercial public access video channel to be available on a first-come, first-served nondiscriminatory basis.
(p) Excluding the programming originated by licensed broadcast stations and/or by closed circuit networks, all programming offered by the operator as part of his basic service to the general public, shall conform to the provisions of the TV Code and/or Radio Code of the National Association of Broadcasters; provided two or more Columbus service area commercial television stations (for the TV Code) are code subscribers thereof.
If the operator sells advertising as per Section 791.06(b) all such advertising material, if transmitted visually and/or aurally in connection with locally originated programming which is offered to the general public as part of the operator's basic service, shall also be subject to the applicable provisions of the NAB Codes, mentioned above, and qualified therein as to the practice of Columbus service area commercial broadcast stations.
(Ord. 77-75. Passed 6-9-75.)
(a) The operator may neither directly nor indirectly engage in the sale, servicing or repair of television receivers, nor may he engage directly or indirectly in the rental or leasing of television receivers; nor may he or any of his employees require of any subscriber the purchase or servicing of a television receiver from or by any designated company.
(b) The operator may neither directly nor indirectly engage in the installation or repair of distribution systems, other than his own, within apartment houses, hotels, motels, or other commercial establishments, or in schools and other nonprofit organizations.
(c) The operator is prohibited from allowing his facilities to be utilized for political or other partisan purposes unless, as a matter of publicly stated policy, he has adopted guidelines calling for strict adherence to existing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission governing political broadcasts and telecasts, and including the "Fairness Doctrine". Excluded from this provision is programming originated by a licensed radio or television station, such station being subject to the aforementioned rules and regulations of the FCC.
(Ord. 77-75. Passed 6-9-75.)
(a) The operator shall indemnify and save harmless the City, and all agents, officers, employees and representatives thereof from all claims, demands, causes of action, copyright action, liability, judgments, costs and expenses or losses for injury or death to persons or damage to property owned by, and Worker's Compensation claims against any parties indemnified herein, arising out of, caused by, or as a result of the operator's construction, erection, maintenance, use of, presence of, or removal of any poles or wires lines, cable, conduit, appurtenances thereto, or equipment or attachments thereto.
(1) The operator shall carry good and sufficient public liability and property damage insurance to fulfill the terms of subsection (a) hereof which insurance shall be in the amounts of not less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for property damage in any one occurrence, not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate in any single policy year; and not less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) bodily injury or death of any one person, with a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) as to any one occurrence. Such policy shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to its form and extent of coverage, as distinguished from dollar amount of coverage. Such policy shall specifically insure against claims arising as the result of underground excavation.
(2) The City of Reynoldsburg shall be named as an additional insured in any such policy or policies.
(3) The policy shall provide by endorsement that it may only be cancelled or amended by the insurance company after sixty days notice, in writing, to the Service Director.
(4) Such policy, or policies, must be in force before the operator commences any construction or installations.
(5) Either the original policy, or policies, or certified copies must be on file with the Service Director.
(6) The policy shall provide that the naming of the City as an additional insured shall not exempt the insurer from liability to the City for damage to property owned by it or in which it has an interest.
(b) Upon termination or revocation of his permit or upon cessation of operations by the operator such operator is under obligation to remove all of his equipment and installations over and under City streets, at the request of Council; over and under private property at the request of property owners; and from homes or business establishments of subscribers, at their request.
(c) Within thirty days from the effective date of the granting of a permit by ordinance, the operator shall furnish a bond to the City in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) guaranteeing the faithful performance of the obligations of the operator under the terms of this section. Such bond shall be subject to these requirements:
(1) Such bond shall be executed by the operator and one or more sureties approved by the City Attorney.
(2) Either the bond, or bonds, or certified copies must be on file with the Service Director.
(3) The bond, or bonds, must provide by endorsement that it cannot be cancelled or amended by the bonding company prior to ten days notice to the Service Director.
(Ord. 140-76. Passed 12-13-76.)