721.01 Permit required.
721.02 Application for permit.
721.03 Permit must be posted.
721.04 Inspection of premises and equipment.
721.05 Proof of insurance.
721.06 Service of process.
721.07 Revocation of exhibitor's permit.
721.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.48, 715.63, 3765.02
Fire prevention in places of assembly - see FIRE PREV. Ch. 1531
Any sponsoring organization, committee or group, or unsponsored individual exhibitor or group of exhibitors, who exhibits or participates in exhibiting in the City, any circus, menagerie, carnival, amusement ride or side show, whether under canvas tent or otherwise shall, before giving such performance, secure an exhibitor's permit for the Public Safety Director. The fee for the permit shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00). The term of this permit shall be limited to five consecutive calendar days. For each day thereafter the fee shall be two dollars ($2.00).
(Ord. 90-83. Passed 10-10-83.)
Application for any exhibitor's permit shall be made by the sponsoring organization, committee or group, or unsponsored individual exhibitor or group of exhibitors, in writing, to the Public Safety Director, and shall contain such information as to the type of operation, sanitation procedures to follow, provisions of providing for electricity, maintenance of facilities to prevent fire, and such other information as the Director may require.
(Ord. 85-68. Passed 12-23-68.)