Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following definitions shall apply in the interpretation of this chapter:
(a) "Street" shall mean all of the land lying between property lines on either side of all streets, alleys and boulevards in the City, and includes lawn extensions and sidewalks and the area reserved therefor where the same are not yet constructed.
(b) "Superintendent" shall mean the City Superintendent of Public Works.
(1981 Code § 4.1)
No person shall make any excavation in, or cause any damage to, any street in the City, except under the conditions and in the manner permitted in this chapter. No person shall place any article, thing or obstruction in any street, except under the conditions and in the manner permitted in this chapter, but this provision shall not be deemed to prohibit such temporary obstructions as may be incidental to the expeditious movement of articles and things to and from abutting premises, nor to the lawful parking of vehicles within the part of the street reserved for vehicular traffic.
(1981 Code § 4.2)
Where permits are authorized in this chapter, they shall be obtained upon application to the City Manager, upon such forms as he or she shall prescribe, and there shall be a charge of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each such permit. Such permit shall be revocable by the City Manager for failure to comply with this chapter, rules and regulations adopted pursuant hereto, and the lawful orders of the City Manager or his or her duly authorized representative, and shall be valid only for the period of time endorsed thereon. Application for a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed an agreement by the applicant to promptly complete the work permitted, observe all pertinent laws and regulations of the City in connection therewith, repair all damage done to the street surface and installations on, over or within such street, including trees, and protect and save harmless the City from all damages or actions at law that may arise or may be brought on account of injury to persons or property resulting from the work done under the permit or in connection therewith. Where liability insurance policies are required to be filed in making application for a permit, they shall be in not less than the following amounts, except as otherwise specified in this chapter:
(a) On account of injury to, or death of, any person in any one accident $1,000,000
(b) On account of any one accident resulting in injury to, or death of, more than one person 2,000,000
(c) On account of damage to property in any one accident 1,000,000
A duplicate executed copy or photostatic copy of the original of such insurance policy shall be filed with the City Clerk.
Where cash deposits are required with the application for any permit hereunder, such deposit shall be in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000), except as otherwise specified in this chapter, and such deposit shall be used to defray all expenses to the City arising out of the granting of the permit and work done under the permit or in connection therewith. Three months after completion of the work done under the permit, any balance of such cash deposit unexpended shall be refunded. In any case where the deposit does not cover all costs and expenses of the City, the deficit shall be paid by the applicants.
No person shall make any excavation or opening in or under any street without first obtaining a written permit from the City Manager. No permit shall be granted until the applicant shall post a cash deposit and file a liability insurance policy as required by Section 1020.03. (1981 Code § 4.4)
The Superintendent or City Manager, may, if the public safety requires immediate action, grant permission to make a necessary street opening in an emergency, provided that a permit shall be obtained on the following business day and the provisions of this chapter shall be complied with.
(1981 Code § 4.5)