(a) Sidewalk Obstructions. No person shall occupy any street with any materials or machinery incidental to the construction, demolition or repair of any building adjacent to said street, or for any other purpose, without first obtaining a permit from the City Manager. No permit shall be granted until the applicant shall post a cash deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and file a liability insurance policy as required by Section 1020.03.
(Adopting Ordinance)
(b) Pedestrian Passage. At least six feet of sidewalk space shall be kept clean and clear for the free passage of pedestrians, and if the building operations are such that such free passageway is impracticable, a temporary plank sidewalk with substantial railings or sidewalk shelter shall be provided around such obstruction.
(1981 Code § 4.21)
(a) Safeguards. All openings, excavations and obstructions shall be properly and substantially barricaded and railed off, and at night shall be provided with approved warning lights. Warning lights perpendicular to the flow of traffic shall not be more than three feet apart, and parallel to the flow of traffic not over fifteen feet apart.
(1981 Code § 4.31)
(b) Shoring Excavations. All openings and excavations shall be properly and substantially sheeted and braced as a safeguard to workmen and to prevent cave-ins or washouts which would tend to injure the thoroughfare or sub-surface structure of the street.
(1981 Code § 4.32)
No person shall move, transport, or convey any building or other similar bulky or heavy object, including machinery, trucks and trailers, larger in width than eight feet, eight inches or higher than thirteen feet, six inches above the surface of the roadway, into, across or along any street, alley or other public place in the City without first obtaining a permit from the City Manager. Such permit shall specify the route to be used in such movement, and no person shall engage in such movement along a route other than that specified in the permit. No housemoving permit shall be granted until the applicant shall post a cash deposit in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000) and file a liability insurance policy as required by Section 1020.03.
(a) Marquees. No person shall erect or maintain any marquee, canopy, awning, clock or other structure or object so that it projects over or upon the limits of any street or alley without first obtaining a permit and filing a liability insurance policy as required by Section 1020.03. Every liability insurance policy required by this section shall be maintained by the permittee permanently in force. Every such insurance policy shall contain a clause obligating the insurer to give the City Clerk, by registered or certified mail, at least ten days written notice before the cancellation, expiration, lapse or other termination of such insurance, and such liability policy shall name the City of Reed City as an additional named insured. No such permit shall be granted unless the proposed plans for the marquee or other structure shall be in conformity with the Building Code. In the event that the marquee or other structure shall thereafter be found unsafe or is not maintained in a sightly condition, or if the liability insurance policy covering such marquee or other structure is not maintained, such marquee or other structure shall be deemed a street encroachment. The City Manager shall notify the permittee to remove or repair such marquee or other structure within ten days or to reinstate said insurance forthwith, and, upon failure of the permittee to comply with said notice, such encroachment shall be removed as provided in this chapter. No such marquee or other structure shall be erected or maintained so as to be less than eight feet above the surface of the sidewalk.
(1981 Code § 4.41)
(b) Trees. No person shall permit the limbs or foliage of any trees or shrubs located on premises owned by him or her to grow over or upon any sidewalk less than eight feet above the surface of such sidewalk. Every such owner shall remove all dead, diseased or dangerous trees or broken or decayed limbs which constitute a menace to the safety of the public. All shrubs or bushes located on the triangle formed by two right-of-way lines at the intersection of two streets and extending for a distance of twenty-five feet each way from the intersection of the right-of-way lines on any corner lot shall not be permitted to grow to a height of more than thirty inches above the sidewalk grade. Trees may be planted and maintained in the area, provided that all branches are trimmed to maintain a clear vision for a vertical height of eight feet above the roadway surface. Any owner of property failing to trim any trees, shrubs or bushes in conformity with this section shall be notified by the City Manager to do so, and such notice shall require trimming in conformity with this section within five days after the date of such notice. Upon the expiration of such period, the City Manager may cause the trimming to be done, and the cost thereof may be collected from the owner of said property in the manner specified in Chapter 11 of the City Charter.
(1981 Code § 4.42)
(a) Removal of Encroachment. Encroachments and obstructions in the street may be removed and excavations refilled and the expense of such removal or refilling charged to the abutting land owner when made or permitted by him or her or suffered to remain by him or her, otherwise than in accordance with the terms and conditions of this chapter. The procedure for collection of such expenses shall be as prescribed in Chapter 11 of the City Charter.
(1981 Code § 4.46)
(b) Temporary Street Closings. The City Manager shall have authority to temporarily close any street, or portion thereof, when he or she shall deem such street to be unsafe or temporarily unsuitable for use for any reason. He or she shall cause suitable barriers and signs to be erected on said street, indicating that the same is closed to public travel. When any street or portion thereof shall have been closed to public travel, no person shall drive any vehicle upon or over said street except as the same may be necessary incidental to any street repair or construction work being done in the area closed to public travel. No person shall move or interfere with any sign or barrier erected pursuant to this section without authority from the City Manager.
(1981 Code § 4.47)
(c) Depositing Snow. No person shall push, shovel, blow or plow or by any other means deposit any snow upon or across the travelled portion of any City street or alley in the City of Reed City.
No snow shall be deposited on sidewalks or within fifteen feet of any fire hydrant.
Snow shall not be placed where it will create a traffic hazard or obstruct vision at any street or alley intersection.
However, snow from the sidewalks on Upton Street between Park Street and the White Pine Trail right of way, on Chestnut between Slosson Street and the Pere Marquette Trail right of way and on Higbee Street between Slosson Street and Franklin Street may be deposited in the street next to the curb.