Whenever it is shown that any dog has bitten any person, the owner or person having custody or possession of the dog shall, upon order of the chief of police, quarantine the dog in strict confinement, upon private premises of the owner, under restraint by leash, closed cage, or paddock for a period of ten (10) days. If the owner or person having custody of said dog violates this order, the dog shall be taken into custody by the animal control bureau for the remainder of the quarantine period at the owner's expense. The chief of police may cause a licensed veterinarian to make an inspection of the dog at any time during such period. Any dog so quarantined shall not be removed from the premises without permission of the chief of police. Any person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 2392 § 10, 1998: Ord. 1926 § 4, 1986: prior code § 57309)
The chief of police may post or cause to be posted an appropriate sign on any premises where a dog has been quarantined pursuant to section 6.04.190 of this chapter through this section to warn the public of the fact. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove a sign posted pursuant to this section without permission of the chief of police. (Prior code § 57311)