It is unlawful for any person to own, have an interest in, harbor and feed or have the care, charge, custody or possession of a dog, whether such dog is confined or not, unless such dog has been vaccinated with canine rabies vaccines licensed by USDA and approved by the department of health services for use in the California rabies control program, by injection or other approved method. The vaccine shall be used exclusively to vaccinate all dogs within the city upon reaching four (4) months of age. All dogs under four (4) months of age shall be confined to the owner's property until such time they are vaccinated. Regardless of the age of an animal's primary immunization, a second rabies vaccination shall be given one year later and the three (3) year booster schedule followed thereafter. The vaccination shall be performed by any duly qualified and licensed veterinarian. (Ord. 2392 § 7, 1998: prior code § 57200)