Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Redevelopment Authority shall have the power to acquire by purchase, gift, bequest, eminent domain or otherwise, any blighted property as defined herein, either within or outside of a redevelopment area and, further, shall have the power to hold, clear, manage, lease and/or dispose of said property for residential and related uses. This power shall be exercised in accord with the procedures set for hereinafter.
[Amended 8-10-2009 by Ord. No. 42-2009; 3-22-2010 by Ord. No. 10-2010; 12-27-2010 by Ord. No. 108-2010]
The Blighted Property Review Committee and the Planning Commission, upon making a determination that any property is blighted as defined in § 23-904, above, must certify said blighted property to the Redevelopment Authority except that:
A. No property shall be certified to the Redevelopment Authority unless it is vacant or abandoned.
B. No property shall be certified to the Redevelopment Authority unless the owner of the property or an agent designated by him for the receipt of service of notices has been served with notice of the determination that the property is blighted, together with an appropriate order to eliminate the conditions causing blight and notification that failure to do so may render the property subject to condemnation. The notice shall be served upon the owner or his agent.
(1) Procedure. Whenever the Committee shall determine, after such examination, investigation or hearing as shall suffice to inform its judgment, that a public nuisance exists or is about to exist, it may order the nuisance to be removed, abated, suspended, altered, or otherwise prevented or avoided. Notice of such order, bearing the official title of the Committee and the number of days for compliance therewith and the alternative remedy of the Committee in case of noncompliance, shall be served upon the person, if any, whom the Committee deems responsible therefor or concerned therein, and upon the owner or abutting owner of the land, premises or other places whereon such a nuisance is or is about to be, if any. In case no such party or parties can be discovered by the Committee, the order shall be served by posting a copy or copies thereof conspicuously upon the premises for a period of at least 10 days.
(2) Contents of notice. The notice of the Committee's order shall clearly specify:
(a) The place and manner of the nuisance or anticipated nuisance as determined by the Committee.
(b) The nature or condition thereof.
(c) The Committee's order with respect to the nuisance or anticipated nuisance.
(d) The name of the persons found by the Committee to be responsible therefor or concerned therewith and the name of the owner, if any, of the land or premises involved; in the event the owner or contact cannot be determined, said notice shall reflect this.
(e) The date of the Committee's order and the number of days there from allowed for compliance with it.
(f) The alternative remedy of the Committee in case of noncompliance.
(g) The signature of the Chair of the Committee, attested by the Secretary.
(3) Hearing and disposition.
(a) If any person affected thereby shall apply for a hearing within the time provided, the Committee shall promptly notify all interested parties of the time and place of the hearing.
(b) The Committee shall enter upon its minutes such facts and proofs as it may receive, and its proceedings on such hearing and thereafter may rescind, modify or reaffirm its order and require execution of the original or of a new or modified order, as it shall determine and direct.
C. No blighted property shall be certified to the Redevelopment Authority on which more than 10 dwelling units can be constructed under existing zoning regulations.
A. Acquisition and disposition of blighted property shall not require preparation, adoption or approval of a redevelopment area plan or redevelopment proposal, but at least 30 days prior to acquisition of any property, the Redevelopment Authority shall transmit identification of the property to the Planning Commission and shall request a recommendation as to the appropriate reuse of the property. The Redevelopment Authority shall not acquire the property where the Planning Commission certifies that disposition for residential or related use would not be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Reading.
B. Property disposed of within a redevelopment area shall be disposed of under a redevelopment contract in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Redevelopment Law.
C. Property disposed of outside a redevelopment area shall be disposed of by deed in accordance with the provisions set forth in applicable law.
D. Power of eminent domain shall be exercised pursuant to a resolution of the Redevelopment Authority and the procedures set forth in applicable law.
14. Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 1701 et seq.
Should any provisions set forth in this Part be found to conflict with any law of the United States or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, such federal and/or state laws shall govern and this Part shall be construed accordingly. Such a conflict shall not affect the validity of this Part.
Part 10
Diversity Board
Diversity Board
[Adopted 7-9-2007 by Ord. No. 54-2007 (Ch. 1, Part 5O, of the 2001 Code of Ordinances)]
The City of Reading City Council hereby creates a City of Reading Diversity Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council by providing input on policy and processes that promote and facilitate active involvement and participation by diverse cultures such as of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, familial status, and handicap within the Reading Community.
The City of Reading Diversity Board shall have the following responsibilities:
A. To promote understanding that accepts, celebrates and appreciates diversity within the Reading community.
B. To serve as a resource and provide recommendations for the City regarding opportunities to address or promote diversity issues or programs within the City and community.
C. To promote and encourage active involvement and participation by diverse cultures within the Reading community and City government.
D. To enlist the cooperation of various groups in the community to participate in educational, cultural and other campaigns demonstrating an awareness of cultural and human diversity in the community.
[Amended 3-8-2010 by Ord. No. 6-2010; 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 68-2010; 8-22-2011 by Ord. No. 41A-2011; 2-11-2013 by Ord. No. 7-2013; 8-26-2013 by Ord. No. 35-2013; 9-28-2015 by Ord. No. 52-2015]
A. The Diversity Board shall be composed of nine voting members, chosen to serve three-year staggered terms and appointed by the City Council. The Diversity Board shall include one representative of Council, Managing Director, or designee, the Human Resources Director or designee, one member representing AFSCME, one representative of the NAACP, one representative of a reputable, majority Latino or Hispanic organization located within the City of Reading, the Human Relations Commission Executive Director or designee, and two members reflecting the geographic, demographic, technical, and nontechnical backgrounds of the citizens of Reading.
B. Removal of members. Any member may be removed for misconduct or neglect of duty or for other just cause by a majority vote of Council taken after the member has received 15 days' advance notice of the intent to take such vote. Diversity Board members having two or more unexcused absences in a calendar year may be replaced by City Council. Notification of potential dismissal from the Diversity Board will be mailed by the Chair to the Board member following a second absence within a calendar year. The Chairperson of the Board shall inform the City Clerk in writing when a member has failed to comply with this attendance policy. Following such notification, City Council may vote to remove the member and seek applicants to fill the vacant position.
[Amended 2-11-2013 by Ord. No. 7-2013 ]
The Diversity Board shall establish its own bylaws, establish offices and elect officers from its membership. To conduct any meeting, a majority of the Board shall be present. A majority of the Board must vote affirmatively to approve any motion or action. The Diversity Board shall receive legal counsel from the City's Law Department and assistance from the Human Resources Division.