Part 11
Additional Requirements For Specific Uses Or Zoning Districts
Additional Requirements For Specific Uses Or Zoning Districts
[Amended 12-16-2013 by Ord. No. 83-2013]
When permitted, low-rise and mid-rise apartments shall conform to the following:
A. Any dwelling unit constructed by or subsidized by an agency of the government of the United States or of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and which has restrictions on occupancy by reason of age, income or other unique condition shall meet the minimum habitable floor area standards established by that agency, or, in the absence of such standard, shall meet the standards set forth in Subsection D hereof. Any dwelling unit which, pursuant to this section, is constructed with less habitable floor area than that required by Subsection D shall not thereafter be occupied by persons not having the unique condition upon which the special permit was based unless it is conclusively demonstrated to the Board that the intended change in occupancy will not result in overcrowding or cause an increase in density or traffic congestion.
B. Part 16 allows reduced parking for housing limited to older persons. In addition, the Zoning Hearing Board may authorize a reduction in the number of off-street parking spaces required, as follows:
Publicly or Privately Subsidized Housing Number of Dwelling | Units per space |
Low-income elderly | 15 |
Moderate-income elderly | 9 |
Low-income non-elderly | 1 |
Units other than those described, whether located within the same building or within a separate building, shall conform to the off-street parking requirements relevant to their use and size, as specified in this Part.
C. No dwelling units shall be constructed, erected or established that are 50% below the adjacent grade.
D. Each dwelling unit shall:
(1) Contain complete kitchen, toilet, bathing and sleeping facilities;
(2) Contain at least one separate bathroom;
(3) Contain at least one separate bedroom, except that in buildings containing at least four dwelling units, the Zoning Hearing Board may, by special exception, approve up to one-fourth (25%) of the dwelling units to be studio/efficiency apartments upon a finding that the number of units proposed will not adversely affect any adjacent residential neighborhood;
(4) Comply with all relevant building and occupancy codes; and
(5) Contain a minimum habitable area of:
Apartment | Square Feet |
Efficiency/studio | 400 |
One bedroom | 550 |
Two bedrooms | 700 |
Three or more bedrooms | 850 |
[Amended 1-27-2020 by Ord. No. 5-2020]
E. Sufficient laundry, drying, garbage pickup and other utility areas shall be provided and screened from view according to § 600-1401
F. The facade of any building or structure shall not exceed 70 feet in length unless making an angle turn or having an offset of at least five feet within each 70 feet of length.
G. A strip of land at least five feet in width surrounding each building shall be kept completely open except for foundation plantings and sidewalk and driveway crossings, except within the C-C and C-R Districts. Open space adjacent to, around or between buildings not surfaced as walkways, driveways, parking area or utility areas, shall be graded and landscaped.
H. Courtyards bounded on three or more sides by the wings of a single building or by the walls of separate buildings shall have a minimum court width of two feet for each one foot in height of the tallest adjacent on-site building, except within the C-C and C-R Districts.
I. Detached vehicle garages that are not part of a dwelling structure, but intended for the use of the residents in addition to all other accessory buildings, shall be located at least 25 feet from the nearest dwelling structure, except within the C-C and C-R Districts.
J. Every building shall have a minimum setback of 10 feet from any and all interior roads, driveways and parking areas and 25 feet from any other building, except such setbacks shall not apply within the C-C and C-R Districts.
K. A ten-foot wide buffer strip with screening shall be provided along all abutting property lines of non-apartment dwellings.
L. Minimum of 10% of the total tract area, exclusive of the required yards, buffer strips and parking areas, shall be designated for active or passive recreational purposes. No recreational area shall be less than 4,000 square feet in area and less than 40 feet in width, except within the C-C or C-R Districts.
M. Driveways, parking areas, dwelling entrance ways and pedestrian walks shall be provided with sufficient illumination to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles utilizing the same. Light sources shall be shielded to avoid glare disturbing to occupants of apartments and of adjacent properties.
N. All new on-site electric utility lines shall be installed below ground level.
When permitted, high-rise apartments shall conform to the following:
A. Section 600-1101 shall also apply to high-rise apartments, except for § 600-1101F and J.
B. The Zoning Hearing Board may permit an increase in the number of stories of a high-rise apartment after review of the proposal by the Planning Commission if it is determined that the overall density of the area, the character of the area, traffic flow and congestion, and the welfare of the community at large will not be adversely impacted.
C. (Reserved) 21
D. A high-rise apartment shall not be located within 30 feet of any accessory structure or 50 feet of any building on another lot which contains dwelling units, except within the C-C or C-R Districts.
E. No high-rise apartment shall be located less than 20 feet from any interior road, driveway or parking area, except within the C-C or C-R Districts.
F. Accessways shall be limited to two per development, plus one additional accessway for each 150 feet of street frontage.
21 | Editor’s Note: Former Subsection (C), regarding additional storage space, was repealed 1-27-2020 by Ord. No. 6-2020. |
A. A state-licensed barber or cosmetologist shall be on the premises during all hours that the use is open, and proof of such license is required to be shown to any state or City employee immediately upon request.
B. A massage therapy business shall have a person on the premises during all hours that the use is open who meets the requirements to conduct such work as provided in Chapter 364, Massage Therapists. Proof of such certification is required to be shown to any state or City employee immediately upon request.
C. A nail salon business shall have a person on the premises during all hours that the use is open who is a state-licensed nail technician, or who holds such successor or equivalent license. Proof of such certification is required to be shown to any state or city employee immediately upon request.