Part 14
Buffer Strips And Screening
Buffer Strips And Screening
A. A buffer strip shall be provided where required by another section of this chapter or where a new or expanded principal nonresidential use is proposed abutting an existing principal residential use on another lot in a residential district. Where required, a buffer strip shall meet the following: [Amended 2-14-2011 by Ord. No. 8-2011]
(1) Be established and maintained along the side and rear lot lines that are not abutting a street and that are adjacent to a residential district.
(2) Be free from buildings, structures, accessory buildings, signs, driveways, parking areas, outdoor storage areas, recreation facilities and all activity areas, except for any necessary perpendicular crossings.
(3) Be landscaped with primarily evergreen trees and shrubs in addition to lawn or other attractive vegetative ground cover.
(4) Be at least six feet in width, unless a wider width is specified by another section of this chapter.
B. In addition, a buffer strip along a public street or lot line of a dwelling shall be required where three or more tractor-trailers or trailers of tractor-trailer combinations will be kept overnight on a regular basis and will be visible from the street or dwelling.
C. In addition, a six-foot minimum width buffer strip along a public street shall be required where new parking spaces for eight or more vehicles are proposed to be adjacent to and visible from a public street. Such buffer strip shall include plants with an anticipated mature height of four feet and deciduous shade trees. Such buffer shall be designed so that it is possible to have views into the parking area for security reasons. Such buffer strip and trees may be allowed by the City to intrude into the right-of-way width, provided sufficient sidewalk width remains for pedestrians and wheelchairs.
D. Where a buffer strip is required under Chapter 515, Subdivision and Land Development, such SALDO requirement shall apply instead of this chapter requirement. In such case, the Planning Commission may approve a modification under the SALDO.
Screening shall be provided and maintained in all buffer strips so as to provide a visual barrier to reduce views from various operations and features from a public street or adjacent dwellings. All utilitarian areas such as delivery and service areas, truck parking areas, outdoor storage areas, and waste disposal storage and pickup areas for principal business uses shall be screened. Except for screening required by § 600-1401C above, screening, where required, shall consist of the following:
A. Dense hedges of shrubbery or evergreens at least four feet in height, planted with spacing that can reasonably be expected to result in a continuous visual screen with minimum height of six feet within three years. Where the width of the buffer strip allows, the plants shall be placed in staggered rows to allow room for future growth.
B. Where the Zoning Administrator determines that a noise conflict may occur, the screening shall also be accompanied by a durable fence or masonry wall at least 70% solid of uniform color(s) and with a height of six feet.