The maximum structure height specified for each district shall not apply to: water towers, decorative clock or bell towers, steeples and religious symbols attached to places of worship, electrical transmission lines, elevator shafts, skylights, chimneys, heating/ventilation/air- conditioning equipment, industrial mechanical equipment areas that are not occupied by humans, or other appurtenances usually required to be and customarily placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy. However, all features shall still comply with the height regulations within the Airport Approach Zones. Wind turbines and telecommunications towers and antenna, where allowed, shall meet the applicable height limits for such uses, as opposed to the height limit of the district. See § 600-918 for solar collection devices.
A. Lighting (other than streetlights and natural sources) shall be shaded, shielded and directed to prevent the creation of glare or a light intensity that will be nuisance to residents, pedestrians or motorists.
B. Spillover. Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., a sign or other illumination utilized on private property shall not cause a spillover of light of an intensity in excess of 2.0 horizontal footcandles onto another lot that is not in common ownership. This maximum intensity shall be reduced to 1.0 horizontal footcandles between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on a principally residential lot in a residential zoning district. The spillover shall be measured at a height of five feet above grade. Overhead lighting of public recreational facilities, beyond what is necessary for security, shall not shine directly onto dwellings between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
C. Streetlighting exempted. This section shall not apply to:
(1) Streetlighting that is owned, financed or maintained by a public utility, the City or the state; or
(2) An individual porch light (not including a spot light).
D. Height of lights. No luminaire, spotlight or other light source that is within 200 feet of a lot line of an existing dwelling or approved residential lot shall be placed at a height exceeding 35 feet above the average surrounding ground level. This limitation shall not apply to:
(1) Lights needed for air safety;
(2) Lights intended solely to illuminate an architectural feature of a building;
(3) Lighting of outdoor public recreation facilities or stadiums; or
(4) Lighting of a wall-mounted sign that is allowed to be placed at a taller height.
E. Diffused. All light sources, including signs, shall be properly diffused as needed with a translucent or similar cover or shielded to prevent exposed bulbs from being directly visible from streets, public sidewalks, dwellings or adjacent lots. This provision shall not apply to LED lights or to bulbs of 25 or less watts.
F. Shielding. All light sources, including signs, shall be carefully directed and placed to prevent the lighting from creating a nuisance to reasonable persons in adjacent dwellings, and to prevent the lighting from shining into the eyes of passing motorists.
G. Flickering. Flashing, flickering or strobe lighting are prohibited, except for nonadvertising seasonal flashing lights between October 30 and January 10.
H. Gasoline sales canopies. Any canopy over gasoline pumps shall have light fixtures recessed into the canopy or screened by an extension around the bottom of the canopy so that lighting elements are not visible from another lot or street.
I. Lighting of horizontal surfaces. For the lighting of predominantly horizontal surfaces such as parking areas and vehicle sales areas, lighting fixtures shall be aimed downward and shall include full-cutoff measures as needed to properly direct the light and to meet the maximum spillover requirements of Subsection B and to prevent glare onto streets. The City may require that light fixtures for nonresidential uses be placed along the street and be aimed away from the street in a manner that also minimizes light shining onto residential lots, or that shielding and reflective devices be used with light fixtures to aim the light away from the dwellings.
J. Lighting of nonhorizontal surfaces. For lighting of predominantly nonhorizontal surfaces, such building walls and wall signs, lighting fixtures shall be fully shielded and shall be aimed so as to not project light: towards neighboring residences; past the object being illuminated; or skyward. Any lighting of a flag shall use a beam no wider than necessary to illuminate the flag. Any lighting of a new billboard should be attached to the top of the billboard and project downward.
K. Upward lighting and lasers. Spotlights shall not be directed upwards into the sky. Laser lights shall not be directed into the sky to attract attention to a business or activity. This subsection shall not apply to theaters, arenas or performing or visual arts centers in the C-C District, or as part of a City-sponsored special event.
L. Neon and similar lighting. The use of neon, argon and similar lighting shall be prohibited within residential districts for commercial advertising purposes if it is visible from a dwelling on another lot.
17. NOTE: See also sign lighting provisions in § 600-1714.
A minimum of one shade tree per newly constructed principal residential unit and/or business establishment shall be required, which shall meet species and planting requirements set forth by the City Shade Tree Commission and Chapter 515, Subdivision and Land Development. If a new principal commercial, industrial or institutional building is constructed, a minimum of one shade tree shall be required for each 50 feet of abutting street length. Such trees are not required to be evenly spaced. The location of the trees shall be subject to approval by the designated City staffperson, and do not necessarily need to be placed within a street right-of- way. If an application will be required by Chapter 515, Subdivision and Land Development, to provide similar tree planting, then the SALDO requirement shall apply in place of this chapter requirement.