A. Areas of a balcony or the roof over a building or parking structure that are primarily covered by attractive vegetation and accessory walkways and are accessible to and usable by persons, and are designed to absorb significant runoff shall not count as impervious area for the purposes of calculating impervious coverage under this chapter. (See the City stormwater regulations
to determine whether these areas would be considered impervious for the purposes of the stormwater requirements.)
(1) However, in no case shall this incentive reduce the amount of ground level vegetative area to less than 5% of a lot in a commercial or industrial district, or 10% in an R-3 District or 25% in all other districts. [Amended 2-14-2011 by Ord. No. 8-2011]
B. Areas above underground parking that are covered by attractive vegetation and are accessible to and usable by persons, and are designed to absorb significant runoff, shall not count as building coverage for the purposes of calculating building coverage under this chapter.
C. For each 1,000 square feet of building floor area that achieves "certification" or a higher level under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System, an additional 300 square feet of building coverage shall be allowed beyond the maximum building coverage requirement.
(1) If a building is approved to be certified as a condition of an incentive under this chapter and certification is not met after completion, then the applicant is required to make modifications to the project until such certification is received. The City may require that a LEED certified professional and the building owner provide written evidence during the construction process that the features are being installed that were part of the proposed certification.
(2) However, in no case shall this incentive reduce the amount of ground-level vegetative area to less than 5% of a lot in a commercial or industrial district, or 10% in an R-3 District or 25% in another district.
D. Solar collection devices may extend a maximum of 15 feet above the maximum height limit and are a permitted-by-right use in all districts. Solar collection devices serving signs may extend 10 feet above the maximum height of the sign.
E. If solar collection devices are installed above vehicle parking, such structures shall not be regulated as part of building coverage.
18. Editor's Note: See Ch. 505, Stormwater Management.