Junk and Other Nuisances
   91.001   Definitions
   91.002   Storage or accumulation of junk
   91.003   Dismantling of automobile, appliance, or machinery
   91.004   Blighted or vacant structure
   91.005   Storage or accumulation of building materials
   91.006   Removal of junk automobile or abandoned vehicle, or parts of either
   91.007   Effective date
Junk Motor Vehicles
   91.020   Motor vehicles
   91.021   Junk
   91.022   Inconsistent ordinances
   91.023   Effective date
Noise Control
   91.035   Unreasonable noise prohibited; exceptions
   91.036   Effective date
Grass and Noxious Weeds
   91.050   Cutting of grass and weeds
   91.051   Duty of occupant or owner
   91.052   When city to do the work
   91.053   Effective date
Nuisance and Hazard Abatement
   91.065   Nuisances and hazards removed
   91.066   Recommendations to the Council
   91.067   Notice by Council
   91.068   Noncompliance with notice
   91.069   Cost; assessed
   91.070   Effective date
Nuisances and Dangerous Structures
   91.085   Nuisance defined and prohibited
   91.086   Dangerous structures
   91.087   Dangerous structures; notice and hearing
   91.088   Dangerous structures; abatement
   91.089   Dangerous structures; emergency abatement
   91.090   Effective date
   91.999   Penalty
   Animal treatment and control, see Chapter 91
   Car washes and laundromats, excessive noise, see Chapter 110
   Conduct in city parks, see Chapter 131
   Swimming pool noise, see § 150.18
   Trees as nuisances, see Chapter 93
§ 91.001  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED VEHICLE.  Includes without limitations any vehicle which has remained on private property for a period of 48 continuous hours, or more, without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property, or for a period of 48 continuous hours or more after the consent of the owner or occupant has been revoked.
   BLIGHTED STRUCTURE.  Includes without limitations any dwelling, garage, or outbuilding, or any factory, shop, store, warehouse, or any other structure or part of a structure which, because of fire, wind, or other natural disaster, or physical deterioration, is no longer habitable as a dwelling, nor useful for the purpose for which it may have been intended.
   BUILDING MATERIALS.  Includes without limitations lumber, bricks, concrete or cinder blocks, plumbing materials, electric wiring or equipment, heating ducts or equipment, shingles, mortar, concrete or cement, nails, screws, or any other materials used in constructing any structure.
   JUNK.  Includes without limitations parts of machinery or motor vehicles, unused furniture, stoves, refrigerators or other appliances, remnants of wood, metal, or any other castoff material of any kind, whether or not the same could be put to any reasonable use.
      (1)   Either, or both, of the following:
         (a)   Any operative or inoperative motor vehicle which is not licensed for use upon the highways of this state for a period in excess of 60 days; and/or
         (b)   Any motor vehicle, whether licensed for use upon the highways of this state or not, which is inoperative for any reason for a period in excess of 60 days.
      (2)   Anything to the contrary contained in this definition notwithstanding, the definition of JUNK AUTOMOBILE shall not be deemed to include unlicensed, but operative, motor vehicles which are kept on the business premises and being offered for sale as the stock-in-trade of a regularly licensed and established new or used motor vehicle dealer.
   PERSON.  Includes all natural persons, firms, co-partnerships, corporations, and all associations of natural persons, incorporated or unincorporated, whether acting by themselves, or by a servant, agent, or employee. All PERSONS who violate any of the provisions of this subchapter, whether as owner, occupant, lessee, agent, servant, or employee, shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be equally liable as principals.
   TRASH and RUBBISH.  Include any and all forms of debris not herein otherwise classified.
(1990 Code, § 70.954)  (Ord. 10b, passed 4-2-1973; Ord. 71, passed 4-18-1989)