   1420.01   Adoption
   1420.02   File copy
   1420.03   Conflicts
   1420.04   Amendments
   Building Department, see Ch. 1440
   Conflicts of laws, see §§ 1240.04 and 1490.22
   Nonconforming buildings, see Ch. 1284
   Ohio Basic Building Code, see Ch. 1422
   Permits and fees, see Ch. 1442
Statutory reference:
   Adopting technical codes, see Ohio R.C. 731.231
   Ohio Basic Building Code, see Ohio R.C. 3781.10
   Ohio state building standards, see Ohio R.C. Chapter 3781
Editor's note:
   The Hamilton County Ohio Building Code, which incorporates the Ohio Basic Building Code, provides construction and material specifications for all buildings and structures, including nonindustrialized one, two and three-family dwellings.
§ 1420.01 ADOPTION.
   (A)   The CABO One & Two Family Dwelling Code published by the Building Officials and Code Administrator's (BOCA) International Inc. is hereby designated as the city's Residential Building Code. The most recent edition, 1995, inclusive of Chapters 2 through 47 and Appendix A, B, C, D and E is hereby adopted and incorporated as if fully set out at length herein. Future editions of this Code, are adopted as they are published, except for modifications as are presently designated herein and as may be further modified by the city in the future. All other ordinances adopted by the city remain in effect.
   (B)   Where the State of Ohio may future mandate, this Code will automatically be replaced by the Residential Building Code designated by the State of Ohio excepting any modifications as permitted by the State and as adopted at such time or in the future by the city.
(`82 Code, § 1420.01) (Ord. 76-17, passed 4-6-76; Am. Ord. 98-89, passed 12-15-98)
§ 1420.02 FILE COPY.
   One copy of this Code shall be on file with the City Clerk and available for inspection by the public.
(`82 Code, § 1420.02) (Ord. 98-89, passed 12-15-98)
§ 1420.03 CONFLICTS.
   In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this code and a provision of any local ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation, or a provision of any other code adopted by reference by the city, the stricter standard shall prevail.
(`82 Code, § 1420.03) (Ord. 98-89, passed 12-15-98)