Public Disposal of Garbage
50.01 Purpose and general policy
50.02 Definitions
50.03 Local permit for operation of a sanitary landfill
50.04 Refuse processing facility
50.05 Permits and duration
50.06 Renewal of permits
50.07 Refuse collection vehicles
50.08 Miscellaneous provisions
50.09 Enforcement
Hazardous Waste
50.20 Purpose
50.21 Definitions
50.22 Permits
50.23 Provisions
West Central Indiana Solid Waste District
50.35 Establishment
50.36 Boundaries
50.37 Agreement
Illegal Dumping
50.50 Title
50.51 Purpose
50.52 Definitions
50.53 Prohibited acts
50.54 Property owner rights and responsibilities
50.55 Enforcement and abatement
50.99 Penalty
(A) (1) The Board of Commissioners of the county finds that improperly operated landfills and other refuse disposal and processing facilities can:
(a) Endanger the health and welfare of the citizens of this county by causing or contributing to the pollution of ground and surface waters; and
(b) Provide a place for flies, rats and other vermin.
(2) It is therefore declared to be the public policy of this county to eliminate and prevent these health and safety hazards by establishing standards for the proper operation of refuse disposal and processing facilities.
(B) The Board of Commissioners of the county finds that there is a need to eliminate the blowing and spillage of refuse from vehicles which transport refuse and that there is a need for such transportation to be done in a sanitary manner.
(C) All existing refuse disposal and/or processing sites shall comply with the provisions of this subchapter.
(D) The County Health Officer or his or her representative shall enforce the provisions of this subchapter.
(E) Before the Health Officer issues a local permit for operation of refuse disposal and/or a refuse processing facility, the applicant must first secure all appropriate zoning approvals from the County Planning Commission and/or County Board of Zoning Appeals.
(F) Before the County Health Officer issues a local permit for operation of a refuse disposal and/or a refuse processing facility, the applicant must first secure all appropriate permits from the Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board and/or the Indiana State Board of Health.
(Ord. 1992-9-8, passed 9-8-1992)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ACCESS ROADS. Roads which lead to the entrance of a refuse processing or disposal facility, normally, a county, state or federal highway.
AQUIFER. A porous, water-bearing geological formation, such as sand, gravel, sandstone and fractured or cavernous limestone, from which water can be drawn by wells in useable quantities.
BEDROCK. Cemented or consolidated earth materials, undisturbed by erosion or weathering, exposed on the earth’s surface or underlying unconsolidated earth materials.
BOARD OF HEALTH. The Putnam County Board of Health.
CARCASSES. Dead animals or portions thereof.
CELL. A deposit of refuse, compacted and completely enveloped by cover.
COVER. Soil which is used to bury refuse.
DAILY COVER. That cover which is placed over refuse and compacted at the end of an operating day.
DECOMPOSITION. The chemical or biological breakdown through time of refuse into constituent chemicals or other products.
DECOMPOSITION GASES. Gases produced by decomposition.
ENERGY RECOVERY OPERATION. The processing of refuse so that energy or gases may be recovered.
FACILITY. Except in § 50.04, any operation for the disposal or processing of refuse, including the site upon which the operation rests.
FINAL COVER. Cover placed and compacted over a refuse disposal area upon completion of the refuse disposal use of that area.
FLOODPLAIN. The area adjoining a river, stream or lake, which would be covered by floodwater from the 100-year frequency flood.
FLOODWAY. The channel of a river or stream and those portions of the floodplain adjoining the channel which are reasonably required to efficiently carry and discharge the peak flood flow of the 100-year frequency flood.
GARBAGE. Rejected food waste and shall include, but is not limited to, every waste accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter used or intended for food attends to the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in, or storing of meat, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetables.
GRADING. The contouring of land so that surface water flow and erosion are controlled according to a predetermined plan.
GROUNDWATER. Water filling the pore spaces of earth materials below the water-saturated zone.
GROUNDWATER TABLE. The upper surface of the water-saturated zone.
HAZARDOUS WASTES. Any solid or liquid waste with inherent dangers, including, but not limited to, toxic chemicals, explosives, pathological wastes, radioactive materials, materials likely to cause fires, liquids, semi-liquids, sludges containing less than 30% solids, pesticides, pesticide containers, septic tank pumpings. and raw or digested sewage sludge.
HEALTH OFFICER. The Putnam County Health Officer or his or her authorized representative.
HYDROLOGY. The properties, distribution and flow of water on or in the earth.
INCINERATOR. Any apparatus to burn waste substances in which all the factors of combustion-temperature, retention time, turbulence and combustion-air can be controlled and used for reduction of garbage, carcasses or refuse.
LAND APPLICATION OF A WASTE. The application of hazardous waste onto land and incorporation into the surface soil.
LANDFILL. A sanitary landfill.
LEACHATE. Liquid that has percolated through solid waste or other deposited materials and has extracted soluble or suspended substances from it.
LIFT. A horizontal layer of cells covering a designated area of a sanitary landfill.
MANUALLY DISCHARGED VEHICLE. A vehicle which must be unloaded by the physical handling of refuse by a person, for example, a pickup truck.
MECHANICALLY DISCHARGED VEHICLE. A vehicle which unloads refuse automatically, with hydraulic devices.
MODIFICATION. A change in form or method of operation of any facility.
ON-SITE ROADS. Roads for the passage of vehicles from a site entrance to the working face.
OPERATING PERSONNEL. Roads for the passage of vehicles from a site entrance to the working face.
PERSON. An individual, partnership, association, syndicate, company, firm, trust, corporation, government corporation, department, bureau, agency or any entity recognized by law.
POINT OF GENERATION. That place where a material initially becomes discarded, for processing or disposal, as refuse.
PROCESSING. The method, system or the treatment of refuse so as to change its chemical or physical form or affect it for disposal or recovery of materials, but excluding vehicles for the transportation of refuse from its point of generation.
PUTNAM COUNTY. Those areas which are under the jurisdiction of the Putnam County Health Officer and situated outside the corporate limits of any town.
RECYCLING STATION. A facility for the storage of separated solid wastes prior to transportation to markets.
REFUSE. Any combination of garbage and rubbish.
REFUSE DISPOSAL. The permanent or semipermanent placement of refuse in any location.
REFUSE HANDLING EQUIPMENT. Equipment used for the processing or disposal of refuse.
RESOURCE RECOVERY PLANT. Any facility which has as at least one of its purposes the processing of refuse into commercially valuable materials or energy.
RUBBISH. Includes such matter as ashes, cans, metalware, broken glass, crockery, dirt, sweepings, boxes, wood, grass, weeds or litter of any kind.
SALVAGING. The controlled removal of materials from refuse for utilization.
SANITARY LANDFILL. An engineering method of disposing of refuse on land in a manner that protects the public health and environment by spreading the waste in thin layers, compacting it in thin layers, compacting it to the smallest practical volume, and covering it with compacted soil at the end of each working day.
SCAVENGING. The uncontrolled removal of materials from refuse.
SLUDGE. A semi-liquid sediment.
SOIL BORINGS. The drilling of holes in the earth for the purpose of identifying soil types, sub-surface materials and groundwater table level.
STATE. The Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board and/or the Indiana State Board of Health.
SURFACE WATER. Water present on the surface of the earth, including: streams, lakes, ponds, rivers, swamps, marshes or rainwater present on the earth.
TRANSFER STATION. A facility for the acceptance, holding and loading of refuse into a vehicle for movement to a processing or disposal facility, excluding stationary compactors and collection containers.
VECTOR. Any living animal capable of harboring and transmitting microorganisms from one animal to another animal or human.
WATERCOURSE. The path taken by flowing surface water.
WATER TABLE. Groundwater table.
WORKING FACE. That portion of a sanitary landfill where refuse is discharged from collection trucks and is compacted prior to placement of cover material.
(Ord. 1992-9-8, passed 9-8-1992)
(A) No person shall cause or allow the operation of a sanitary landfill without a valid operating permit issued by the County Health Officer.
(B) No application for a local operating permit for a new sanitary landfill will be accepted unless that sanitary landfill holds a valid construction plan permit and a valid operating permit from the state as specified by 329 I.A.C. 10-11-1 et seq. A copy of all plans and specifications approved by the state shall accompany all local permit applications.
(C) No application for a local operating permit for a sanitary landfill will be accepted unless the facility has received all appropriate zoning approvals from the County Plan Commission and/or Board of Zoning Appeals.
(D) Complete application for operating permits for sanitary landfill must be made on forms provided by the Health Officer at least 30 days prior to proposed initial date of operation unless a shorter time is approved in advance by the Health Officer.
(E) Application for an operating permit for a sanitary landfill must be signed by the owner and the person who shall be responsible for the quality of operation, affirming that such person shall adhere to the method of operation specified in the plan, specifications and description of project, and shall maintain operational quality at or above the standards set by this section.
(F) General standards: sanitary landfill operations must conform to the following minimum general standards of operation.
(1) All on-site roads shall be passable by vehicles, including automobiles, regardless of weather.
(2) Any shelter or sanitary facilities provided shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Indiana State Board of Health for such construction.
(3) Feeding of cattle, hogs, poultry or other animals at the landfill site is prohibited.
(4) No refuse deposit shall be made nearer than 600 feet to any dwelling without written consent of the occupant and owner of the dwelling.
(G) Water quality: sanitary landfill operations must conform to the following minimum water quality standards.
(1) Where groundwater monitoring wells are deemed necessary by the Board, the sampling frequency will be specified. Tests performed on groundwater samples shall include COD, ph, FE, Cl conductivity and other tests deemed necessary by the Board.
(2) Surface watercourses and runoff shall be diverted from the sanitary landfill by trenches and proper grading. The sanitary landfill shall be constructed and cover material graded and seeded so as to promote rapid surface water runoff without excessive erosion. Regrading shall be done as required during operation and after completion to avoid ponding and to maintain cover thickness.
(3) In no case shall solid waste be deposited within an aquifer. A barrier of undisturbed soil shall be maintained between the lowest portion of deposited refuse and the aquifer of a thickness to be determined by the Board based upon permeability and on exchange properties.
(H) Air quality: open burning of solid wastes is prohibited.
(I) Aesthetics: a sanitary landfill shall at all times be operated in an aesthetically acceptable manner.
(1) Portable litter fences or other devices shall be used in the immediate vicinity of the working face and other locations to control blowing litter. Windblown materials must be collected and buried daily.
(2) Access to the site shall be controlled and shall be by established roadways only. The sanitary landfill shall be accessible only when operating personnel are on duty. Large containers may be placed outside the site entrance so that users can deposit waste after hours; the large containers and areas around them shall be maintained in a sanitary and litter-free condition.
(3) Vegetation shall be cleared only as necessary. Natural windbreaks such as greenbelts, shall be maintained where they will be kept in a sanitary and litter-free condition.
(4) A sign of at least 16 square feet shall be erected at the side entrance identifying the operation, stating operating schedule and fees.
(5) Salvaged materials must be stored in transportable containers or in buildings while awaiting removal from the site. In no instance shall salvaged materials be allowed to accumulate on the ground.
(6) On-site roads shall be constructed in such a way as to minimize the tracking of mud or soil material onto public highways, or the operator shall maintain the equipment required to remove any mud or soil materials which are tracked onto the public highway. Policing of litter on roads upon the site shall be the responsibility of the owner and operator of that landfill.
(J) Gases: decomposition gases generated within a sanitary landfill shall be controlled on-site. Decomposition gases shall not be allowed to migrate laterally from the sanitary landfill site, nor allowed to concentrate in a manner that will pose an explosion or toxicity hazard.
(K) Vectors: effective means shall be taken to prevent the harboring, feeding or breeding of vectors. The presence of adult flies, roaches, mosquitoes, rodents and the immature stages of these and other vectors is inimical to public health. Effective control shall be indicated by the absence of fly larvae, nymphs of roaches, larval mosquitoes and all other immature stages of vectors, as well as by the absence of mature or adult stages of vectors.
(L) Safety: a sanitary landfill shall be operated and maintained in such a manner as to protect the health and safety of personnel associated with the operation.
(1) Safety devices, including, but not limited to, roll bars and fire extinguishers shall be provided on all rolling equipment to protect the health and safety of operators.
(2) Provision shall be made to extinguish any fires in wastes being delivered to the site or which occur at the working face or within equipment or personnel facilities. Communication equipment shall be available for emergency situations.
(3) Scavenging shall be prohibited to avoid injury and to prevent interference with operations.
(4) Traffic signs shall be provided to promote an orderly traffic pattern to and from the discharge area and, if necessary, to restrict access to hazardous areas or to maintain efficient operating conditions. Manually discharged vehicles shall not hinder operation of mechanically discharged vehicles. No vehicle shall be left unattended at the working face or along traffic routes.
(M) Operator instructions: an operating manual describing the various tasks that must be performed during a typical shift, as well as safety precautions and procedures, shall be available to employees for reference. Employees shall be instructed as to these tasks and safety precautions and procedures.
(N) Cover applications: a cover of compacted soil shall be applied and compacted over all exposed solid waste by the end of each area’s completion.
(1) Equipment shall spread all solid waste in layers, compact the waste, and place, spread and compact the cover material. These operations shall be on a working face slope maintained at three to one or steeper.
(2) All solid waste shall be covered by the end of each operating day. Daily cover shall be applied regardless of weather. The thickness of the compacted daily cover shall not be less than six inches.
(3) When any portion of a site reaches within two feet of final elevation, compacted final cover shall be applied, not less than two feet in depth. At the termination of operations at a site, final grading shall be done, and the area seeded with suitable vegetation to control erosion. Final cover shall have a slope of not less than 2% and be without depressions that will cause ponding of water.
(O) Hazardous and special wastes: special wastes and wastes which by definition are considered hazardous waste but have been evaluated by the Indiana State Board of Health and found to be non-hazardous. The disposal of hazardous and special wastes must conform to the following.
(1) Under no circumstances shall hazardous and/or special wastes be accepted and disposed of at a sanitary landfill unless the disposal is authorized in writing by the Indiana State Board of Health and by the local Health Officer.
(2) (a) Certain bulky wastes, such as automobile bodies, furniture and appliances shall be crushed on solid ground and then pushed onto the working face near the bottom of the cell or into a separate disposal area.
(b) The special areas used only for bulky wastes shall be identified on the plan for the completed site.
(3) Procedures for disposing of dead animals have been established by law, I.C. 15-17-11. Any operation accepting carcasses shall comply accordingly. The soil shall be regraded periodically to keep waste from ponding as a result of settlement.
(P) Equipment: at all times the equipment available shall be capable of spreading and compacting the solid waste and the cover material required for the most severe combination of solid waste delivery and weather conditions expected during any one operating day. Equipment manuals, catalogs and spare parts lists shall be available at the equipment maintenance facility.
(Q) Records: a set of approved plans shall be maintained on site. An up-to-date plot plan of the landfill site shall be maintained on site, with areas marked as they are filled or excavated.
(Ord. 1992-9-8, passed 9-8-1992) Penalty, see § 50.99