   All of the incorporated and unincorporated territory of Putnam County shall be included in the District.
(Ord. 6-17-1991, passed 6-17-1991)
§ 50.37 AGREEMENT.
   The proposed agreement governing the operation of the District is hereby approved and made a part of this subchapter as Attachment A and is adopted by reference as if set out herein in full; and the County Commissioners are hereby authorized to enter into the agreement and execute the same, attested by the County Auditor, for and on behalf of the county.
(Ord. 6-17-1991, passed 6-17-1991)
§ 50.50 TITLE.
   This subchapter shall be titled “Illegal Dumping Ordinance”, and may be cited as such.
(Ord. 2002-6-3, passed 6-3-2002)
§ 50.51 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this subchapter is:
   (A)   To prohibit illegal dumping of solid waste materials within the boundaries of the county;
   (B)   To establish penalties for violations therefor;
   (C)   To provide for the method of clean-up of open dumps; and
   (D)   To prohibit improper disposal at recycling stations.
(Ord. 2002-6-3, passed 6-3-2002)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION DEBRIS. Any discarded construction or demolition materials including, but not limited to, untreated lumber, paneling, drywall, roofing, shingles, siding, plumbing and electrical components, doors, windows, floor coverings and cabinets.
   CONTAMINANT. The same definition as that of I.C. 13-11-2-42.
   DISCARDING. To abandon, deposit desert, discharge, dispose, drop, dump, eliminate, emit, jettison, leave, pitch, place, put, scrap, spill, throw or toss any item, any solid waste or derivative thereof, or any inherently waste like material in a manner such that the discarded substance remains upon the land as solid waste.
      (1)   The discarding or long-term storage of any items of solid waste commonly known as garbage, rubbish, refuse construction and demolition debris, household trash, appliances, diapers, food service wastes, tires, scrap metal, vehicle parts, implement parts, fence wire and all other items and materials defined as “solid waste” below and in I.C. 13-11-2-205; and
      (2)   The discarding of two or more vehicles which do not have value beyond scrap value and which are inoperable and unlicensed or which are considered abandoned based upon the surrounding conditions.
   GARBAGE. All putrescible animal solid, vegetable solid, and semisolid wastes from the processing, handling, preparation, cooking, serving or consumption of food or food materials.
   GENERATION. The act or process of producing solid waste.
   GENERATOR. The person whose actions or processes result in the production of solid waste.
   HEALTH OFFICER. The same definition as that of I.C. 16-20-1 et seq., and shall include his or her authorized agent.
   INERT SOLID WASTE. Earth, rocks, concrete, bricks, tiles or aged asphalt, natural wood, brush, leaves, wood chips or sawdust, any and all of which is free from contaminants.
   LONG-TERM STORAGE. The maintenance or containment of solid waste for a period of 30 days or more.
   OPEN DUMP. The consolidation of solid waste from one or more sources or the disposal of solid waste at a single disposal site that does not fulfill the requirements of a sanitary landfill or other land disposal method as prescribed by law or regulations, and that exists without daily cover and without regard to the possibilities of contamination of surface or subsurface water resources, air, land, or other hazard or threat of hazard to the environment or safety.
   PERSON. Any individual, partnership, corporation, firm, company, organization, joint stock company, municipal corporation, city, school district or corporation, county, town, association, trust, estate, government unit or other legal entity.
   SCAVENGING. The uncontrolled and unauthorized removal of materials from solid waste at any point in the waste management system.
   SOLID WASTE. Any yard waste, garbage, refuse, rubbish, sludge or other discarded or disposed materials, including solid, liquid or semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from any operation, activity or source.
   STORAGE. Proper temporary containment of waste materials for a period of no more than 15 days or the standard interval of local commercial collection service, whichever is less.
   WASTE STORAGE CONTAINER. A proper and suitable receptacle used for the temporary storage of solid waste while awaiting collection. Containers shall be designed to prevent escape or leakage of contents and should be resistant to scavenging animals.
   WEST CENTRAL SOLID WASTE DISTRICT. The legally constituted solid waste district of which Putnam County is a member, pursuant to I.C. 13-21-1 et seq.
(Ord. 2002-6-3, passed 6-3-2002)
   (A)   Recycling facilities.
      (1)   No person shall discard any materials other than recyclables in any facility or container intended for collecting designated recyclable materials.
      (2)   No person shall conduct scavenging at any facility or container intended for collecting materials with value as designated recyclable material.
   (B)   Dumping.
      (1)   No person shall discard any solid waste along any roadway within the boundaries of the county, unless it be in a proper solid waste storage container and is intended for collection and removal to a facility approved for handling such materials.
      (2)   No person shall discard for final disposal or for use as fill material any inert solid waste without express consent of the property owner of the final disposal site, including county road rights-of-way.
      (3)   No person shall discard for final disposal or for use as fill material any inert solid waste which is mixed or adulterated with any contaminants.
      (4)   No person shall do any dumping or permit any dumping to take place at any location within the boundaries of the county, unless such location is an approved and properly permitted landfill site or the person has an automotive salvage motor vehicle business license.
(Ord. 2002-6-3, passed 6-3-2002) Penalty, see § 50.99