The following provisions apply to bikeways within subdivisions regulated by this chapter:
A. Bikeways shall be classified as follows:
1. Class I is a completely separated right-of-way designated for the exclusive use of bicycles;
2. Class II is a restricted right-of-way designated for the exclusive or semi-exclusive use of bicycles with through travel by motor vehicles not allowed; or
3. Class III is a shared right-of-way designated as such by signs placed in posts or on the pavement.
B. The Planning Commission may require, at the time of submission of the sketch plat, that the developer prepare a plan for the design and construction of a system of bikeways within the proposed subdivision.
C. In requiring such a system, the Planning Commission shall not allow the use of Class III bikeways.
D. A proposed bikeway plan may be required by the Planning Commission when there are existing natural or manmade features which would effectively complement or provide linkage or routes for such bikeways, in particular park areas and school sites.
E. Minimum design width for Class I bikeways shall depend on the number of lanes, with each line requiring a minimum of four (4) feet of bikeway width.
F. Where Class I bikeways are required, bikeway surfaces shall be of asphalt.
G. Additional considerations for bikeway construction shall include:
1. Physical barriers between automobile traffic and bicycle lanes are safer than painted lines;
2. Bicycle lanes at major intersections should shift away from the roadway rather than merge directly onto the road, whenever possible; and
3. Adequate provisions should be made for drainage without creating safety hazards for bicyclists due to drainage grates.
H. Additional specific criteria, as may be established by the Planning Commission, shall be considered when bikeways are required or proposed.
(Code 1991, § 12-480)