3-1-1: License Required; Fee; State Sales Tax Permit
3-1-2: Separate Licenses Required
3-1-3: Display Of License
3-1-4: License Nontransferable
3-1-5: Duplicate License
3-1-6: Issuance And Execution
3-1-7: Expiration
3-1-8: Compliance With State And Local Regulations
3-1-9: Revocation Of License
A. License Required: It is unlawful for any person to engage in, exercise or pursue any business, profession, trade, occupation, privilege or other activity for which a license is required or a license fee or tax is levied by any provision of this code or other ordinance of the city without paying the license fee or tax and securing and possessing a valid license therefor.
B. Fee Schedule: A license fee is levied on every person engaging in, exercising, or pursuing any of the businesses, professions, trades, occupations, or privileges in the city, as may be provided by the city council. A copy of the fee schedule adopted for licenses shall be kept on file in the office of the city clerk.
C. State Sales Tax Permit Required: In order to receive a license under this chapter, every person, firm or corporation regulated pursuant to this section is required to possess a valid and current state sales tax permit if such person, firm or corporation is a vendor subject to collection of sales taxes under the sales tax code of the city and state. A copy of this permit shall be provided by the applicant for a license to the city clerk prior to issuance of the city license. (1990 Code § 9-101)
Every person who engages in, exercises, or pursues a business, profession, trade, occupation, or privilege for which a license is required, at or from more than one place in the city, or who engages in, exercises, or pursues more than one such business, profession, trade, occupation, or privilege shall pay the fee, and secure a separate license, for each such place or for each such business, profession, trade, occupation, or privilege. (1990 Code § 9-102)
A. Display On Premises Or Carry License: Every holder of a license to engage in, exercise, or pursue a business, profession, trade, occupation, or privilege shall conspicuously display the license at all times in some part of his place of business or activity where a person who has entered the place may readily see it; or, if he has no particular place of business or activity, shall carry the license and shall display it to any person who requests to see it.
B. Attaching To Machine Or Device: In lieu of the manner of displaying such licenses provided above, when licenses are required for coin operated music or amusement devices, vending machines, and similar devices and equipment, the license may be placed on or attached to such device or equipment in such position and manner that it will be clearly visible, and shall be so placed or attached if the license so states on its face.
C. Refusal To Display Unlawful: It is unlawful to fail or refuse to display the license as required in this section. (1990 Code § 9-103)