Upon the adoption by the city council, this city code is hereby declared to be, and shall hereafter constitute, the official city code of Poteau. This city code of ordinances shall be known and cited as the POTEAU CITY CODE and is hereby published by authority of the city council and shall be supplemented to incorporate the most recent legislation of the city as provided in section 1-1-3 of this chapter. Any reference to the number of any section contained herein shall be understood to refer to the position of the same number, its appropriate chapter and title heading, and to the general penalty clause relating thereto, as well as to the section itself, when reference is made to this city code by title in any legal documents. (2004 Code)
The city code, as hereby presented in printed form, shall hereafter be received without further proof in all courts and in administrative tribunals of this state as the ordinances of the city of general and permanent effect, except the excluded ordinances enumerated in section 1-2-1 of this title. (2004 Code)
A. Numbering System: All ordinances passed subsequent to this code which amend, repeal or in any way affect this code may be numbered in accordance with the numbering system of this code and printed for inclusion therein. When subsequent ordinances repeal any chapter, section or subsection or any portion thereof, the repealed portions may be excluded from this code by omission from reprinted pages.
B. Ordaining Language: Amendments to any of the provisions of this code may be made by amending the provisions by specific reference to the section of this code in substantially the following language: "Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Poteau, Oklahoma, that section of the code of ordinances of the city of Poteau, Oklahoma, is hereby amended to read as follows:" (set out new provisions in full).
C. New Provisions: When the city council desires to enact an ordinance of a general and permanent nature on a subject not heretofore existing in the code, which the city desires to incorporate into the code, a section in substantially the following language may be made part of the ordinance:
Section . Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Poteau, Oklahoma, that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the code of ordinances of the city of Poteau, Oklahoma, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered to accomplish this intention.
D. Provisions Repealed: All sections, articles, chapters or provisions of this code desired to be repealed may be specifically repealed by section or chapter number, as the case may be. (1990 Code § 1-106)
All ordinances of the city now in effect within the city are hereby extended to all real property belonging to, or under the control of, the city outside the corporate limits of the city, and shall be in full effect therein, insofar as they are applicable. All ordinances of the city which shall go into effect in the future shall also apply to, and be in full effect within, the boundaries of all outlying real property, insofar as they may be applicable. Any words in any ordinance indicating that the effect of an ordinance provision is limited to the corporate limits of the city shall be deemed to mean and include also the outlying real property belonging to, or under the control of, the city, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (1990 Code § 1-110)