Unless otherwise stipulated or required, the following definitions shall be used in the interpretation and construction of the regulations in this title, and words used in the present tense include the future; the singular shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the word "building" shall mean as well the word "structure"; the word "used" shall include "arranged", "designed", "constructed", "altered", "converted", "rented", "leased" or "intended to be used"; and the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory:
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: The board of adjustment of the city.
BUILDING: Any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls used or intended to be used for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, or property. When such a structure is divided into separate parts by one or more unpierced walls extending from the ground up, each part is deemed a separate building, except as regards minimum side yard requirements as herein provided.
BUILDING, ACCESSORY: A subordinate building, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of a principal building on the same lot.
BUILDING LINE: A line established in general parallel to the front street line on which no part of a building shall project, except as otherwise provided by this title.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL: A building in which is conducted the principal use of the building site on which it is situated. In any residential district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be a main building on the building site on which the same is located.
BULK LIMITATIONS (FLOOR AREA RATIO): The number of square feet area, as defined herein, which is permitted for each square foot of lot area.
BULLETIN BOARD: An accessory board or sign erected by church, school, community center, public agency or institution on its own premises for announcement purposes.
CITY COUNCIL: The city council of the city.
CITY PLANNING COMMISSION: The city planning commission of the city.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The comprehensive plan of the city.
DISTRICT: A portion of the territory of the city within which certain uniform regulations and requirements or various combinations thereof apply under the provisions of this title. "District" is herein defined to be the same as "zoning districts" which are defined and mapped in chapter 3 of this title.
DWELLING UNIT: A building or portion thereof arranged or designed to provide living facilities for one family. The term "dwelling unit" shall include a house trailer or mobile home, but shall not be deemed to include a motel, hotel or tourist home.
FAMILY: A person living alone, or two (2) or more persons living together, related by blood or marriage, as a single housekeeping unit using a single facility for culinary purposes in a dwelling unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a boarding house, lodging house, hotel, motel, fraternity house, or sorority house.
FLOOR AREA: The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of a building or buildings, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating two (2) buildings.
FRONTAGE: The width of a lot measured at right angles to the depth at the front or street side of the lot.
HEIGHT: The vertical measurement of any building or structure on any parcel of land measured from the average elevation of the lot or parcel to the uppermost point on the structure or building.
HEIGHT LIMIT: The limit of height as imposed in this title for any structure or building or permitted use within a zoning district.
LOT: Any plot of land occupied or intended to be occupied by one building, or a group of buildings, and its accessory buildings and uses, including such open spaces as required by this title and other laws or ordinances, and having its principal frontage on a street.
LOT, CORNER: A lot at the junction of, and abutting on, two (2) or more intersecting streets.
LOT DEPTH: The horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines, measured in the general direction of the side lot lines.
LOT, INTERIOR: A lot which does not abut on two (2) or more intersecting streets.
LOT, WEDGE SHAPED: A lot located on a curve or situated so that the front must of necessity be narrower than the rear of the lot.
LOTS OF RECORD: "Lots of record" are herein designated as a separate and distinct parcel on a legally recorded subdivision plat or in a legally recorded deed filed in the records of LeFlore County, Oklahoma.
MAXIMUM COVERAGE: The maximum amount of land that may be covered by buildings on any lot.
MEAN LOT ELEVATION: The average elevation of a lot.
MOBILE HOME COURT: A parcel of land under single ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of mobile homes for nontransient use.
MOBILE HOME LOT: A parcel of land for the exclusive use of the occupants of a single mobile home.
MOBILE HOME STAND: That part of an individual lot which has been reserved for the placement of the mobile home.
NONCONFORMING USE: A structure or land lawfully occupied by a use that does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is situated.
OFF STREET LOADING: The provision of spaces or berths entirely within the property boundaries of the affected property and off of public streets reserved exclusively for the loading or unloading of motor vehicles.
OFF STREET PARKING: The provision of space reserved exclusively for the parking of motor vehicles entirely off of the public streets and lying wholly within the property boundaries of the parcel of land affected.
OPEN SPACE: An area included in any side, rear, or front yard or any other unoccupied space on a lot that is open and unobstructed to the sky, except for the ordinary projection of cornices, eaves or porches.
PARCEL: A "lot" as defined herein.
PERMITTED USE: The use of a building or other structure or of a tract of land which does conform to the use regulations of this title.
RESIDENCE, MULTI-FAMILY: A building or portion thereof designed for or used by three (3) or more families or three (3) or more dwelling units.
RESIDENCE, ONE-FAMILY: A building designed for or used exclusively for residence purposes by one family or one dwelling unit.
RESIDENCE, TWO-FAMILY: A building designed for or used exclusively for residence purposes by two (2) families or two (2) dwelling units.
SIGN: Any structure or part thereof, or any device attached to, painted on, or represented on a building or other structure, upon which is displayed or included any letter, word, model, banner, flag, pennant, insignia, decoration, device, or representation used as, or which is in the nature of, an announcement, direction, advertisement, or other attention directing device. A "sign" shall not include a similar structure or device located within a building, except for illuminated signs within show windows. A "sign" includes any billboard, but does not include the flag, pennant, or insignia of any nation or association of nations, or any state, city, or other political, charitable, education, philanthropic, civic, professional, religious, or like campaign, drive, movement, or event.
SIGN, ILLUMINATED: A sign designed to give forth any artificial light, or designed to reflect light from one or more sources, natural or artificial.
SIGN, PROJECTING: A sign erected on the face or outside wall of a building which projects out at any angle therefrom.
SIGN, TEMPORARY: A sign of a temporary nature used to advertise the premises for sale, rent or lease.
STORY: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the ceiling next above it.
STREET: Any thoroughfare other than an alley.
STREET, COLLECTOR: A street designated as a collector street on the major street plan for the city.
STREET, MAJOR: A street designated as major on the major street plan for the city.
TRAFFIC SIGNALLING DEVICE: A sign, device or mechanical contrivance used for the control of motor vehicular and pedestrian movement.
UTILITY SERVICE INSTALLATION: Any structure or installation by a utility company deemed to be necessary for the safe or efficient operation of that utility.
YARD, FRONT: An open space extending the full width of the lot between the building line and the front lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as specified elsewhere in this title.
YARD, REAR: An open space extending the full width of the lot between the building line and the rear lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as specified elsewhere in this title.
YARD REQUIREMENTS: The minimum requirements of any zoning district which provides for front yards, side yards, rear yards or any other open space on any lot or parcel.
YARD, SIDE: An open space extending from the front yard to the rear yard between the building and the nearest side property line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as specified elsewhere in this title.
ZONING CLEARANCE PERMIT: A document issued by the mayor or his designated representative authorizing buildings, structures, or uses consistent with the terms of this title and for the purposes of carrying out and enforcing the provisions of this title. (1990 Code § 12-202)