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Port Isabel Overview
Port Isabel, TX Code of Ordinances
   An applicant for a permit shall submit, on a form provided by the Chief of Police a verified application containing or accompanied by the following:
   (A)   The true name, the trade name, address and telephone number of the towing company/wrecker business;
   (B)   The license number, quantities, types and manufacturer's rating of wreckers proposed to be operated; and
   (C)   The true name, address and telephone number of the owners of the towing company/wrecker business to be operated under the permit. If the towing company/wrecker business is owned by a corporation, the true names of the registered agents, directors and officers of the corporation; if any stockholder of the towing company/wrecker business is itself a corporation, then the true name of this stockholder corporation, its registered agents, directors and officers of the one or more corporations must be given on the permit application.
   (D)   No trade name may be used that is the same or substantially similar to the name of a currently licensed wrecker company. The Chief of Police shall be the sole judge of the similarity, or lack thereof, of any name.
   (E)   Notwithstanding the other provisions of this subchapter, no new application for a wrecker company may be approved if ten or more wrecker companies are currently licensed.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985; Ord. 634-A, passed 12-15-2020)
   The business permit shall run from January 1 through December 31 (a calendar year). The annual fee for each permit will be $50, renewable within the last 30 days of the year. (This is for each wrecker.)
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985)
§ 118.18 RATES.
   The pound master shall submit to the city $10 for each tow during any given month. If full payment owed for the city impoundment fee is not paid by the fifteenth of each month, the delinquent firm shall be removed from the rotation list.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985; Ord. 634-A, passed 12-15-2020)
   (A)   Notification of owner and lien holders. When the Police Department takes into custody an abandoned motor vehicle as defined in the State Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act, Tex. Revised Civil Statutes § 5.01 or when the Police Department releases its "hold" on any vehicle held by the Police Department for investigation or evidence, it shall notify within ten days thereof, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, the last known registered owner of the motor vehicle and all lien holders of record pursuant to the Certificate of Title Act, being Texas Transportation Code §§ 501.001 et seq., as amended, that the vehicle has been taken into custody. The notice shall describe the year, make, model and vehicle identification number, set forth the location of the facility where the motor vehicle is being held, inform the owner and any lien holders of their right to reclaim the motor vehicle within 20 days after the date of the notice, upon payment of all towing, preservation and storage charges resulting from placing the vehicle in custody. Further, the notice shall state that the failure of the owner or lien holders to exercise their right to reclaim the vehicle within the time provided shall be deemed a waiver by the owner and all lien holders of all right, title and interest in the vehicle and their consent to the sale of the motor vehicle at public auction.
   (B)   Notice by publication and mail. If the identity of the last registered owner cannot be determined, or if the registration contains no address for the owner; or, if it is impossible to determine with reasonable certainty the identity and address of all lien holders, notice by one publication in one newspaper of general circulation in the area where the motor vehicle was abandoned or taken into custody shall be sufficient to meet all requirements of notice pursuant to this chapter. The notice by publication can contain multiple listings of vehicles. Any notice by registered or certified mail, shall have the same contents and state the effect or failure to reclaim as required for a notice by registered or certified mail.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985)