118.01 Application for placement on rotation list
118.02 Twenty-four hour service
118.03 Impoundment of vehicles
118.04 Auto pound requirements
118.05 Maximum security
118.06 Operation on rotation list
118.07 Insurance coverage
118.08 Prevailing fees for wrecker services
118.09 Response time and duties
118.10 Removal from rotation list
118.11 Must comply with guidelines
118.12 Soliciting of towing company/wrecker business on city streets prohibited
118.13 Driving wrecker to scene of collision
118.14 Interception of police radio communications
118.15 Vehicles to display name of permit holder
118.16 Application
118.17 Business permit fees
118.18 Rates
118.19 Procedure for disposal of abandoned motor vehicles
Any person or firm wishing to be placed on the wrecker rotation list of the City Police Department must make application to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police will inspect any and all wreckers to be placed on the wrecker rotation list.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985)
All vehicles towed in by a wrecker company at the direction of the Police Department shall be impounded in an enclosed area, or at a place designated by the Police Department, by the company until release of the vehicle is authorized by the Police Department.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985)