Any wrecker service company which makes application and is placed on the rotation list and is called by the Police Department under the terms of these requirements shall be required to respond to any authorized call. Should any wrecker service company fail to respond to two consecutive calls or fail to maintain a reasonable record of responding to calls, the Chief of Police shall report same to the City Manager, and upon the City Manager's concurrence, the name of the company shall be removed from the rotation list and the company shall not be eligible for application to have its name replaced on the rotation list for a period of six months from the date of its removal. The same removal provisions shall be applicable for failure to reasonably comply with any other provisions of these regulations.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985)
No permit holder, agent or employee of a permit holder shall solicit in any manner, directly or indirectly, on the streets of the city, towing company/wrecker business involving any vehicle which is wrecked upon a public street. This prohibition applies regardless of whether the solicitation is for the purpose of soliciting the business of towing, repairing, storing, purchasing or trading of the vehicle.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, or cause to be driven, a wrecker in any manner that it comes to be unsafe or a hazard to the safety of the public or in violation of any existing laws, statutes or ordinances. Furthermore, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive, or cause to be driven, a wrecker to or near the scene of a collision or wreck of any street in the city, unless the wrecker has been called to the scene by the City Police Communications Department or by a party involved in the collision or wreck; provided, that when it is necessary to prevent death or bodily injury to any person involved in a collision or wreck, the prohibition of this section shall be inapplicable. If a permit holder is summoned to the scene by the request of a party involved in a collision or a wreck, an indication of this fact shall be made on a form provided by the Chief of Police and signed by the party who caused the wrecker to be summoned to the scene.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any permit holder, agent or employee of a permit holder for the purposes of business economic gain to intercept any message emanating through the medium of the Police Department's radio frequencies or any radio frequencies that may be assigned to the Police Department in the future, except as in cases where the City Police Communications Center contacts or requests the wrecker over any of the designated police frequencies. Furthermore it shall be expressly prohibited to divulge the context, content, substance, purpose, effect or meaning of intercepted police communications.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any person driving a certified wrecker to drive the wrecker without the wrecker having the trade name of the permit holder to which it is exclusively registered prominently displayed on the wrecker. A wrecker may not display more than one trade name on any part of the vehicle, nor may it display a trade name other than that of the wrecker company that is the owner of the wrecker. As a minimum the name shall appear in clearly legible letters at least three inches high, which are permanently painted on the vehicle on a contrasting background.
(Ord. 448, passed 6-11-1985; Ord. 634-A, passed 12-15-2020)