Supervision of the animal control unit shall be delegated to any supervisor of the police department at the direction of the chief of police and/or his/her designee. The police department shall carry out the duties of animal control.
A. Any city employee acting in the capacity of animal control duties shall have the following powers:
1. To enforce the provisions of this chapter and state laws relating to the care, treatment, impounding and destruction of animals. These provisions will also encompass the adoption of animals and/or safe return of animals to their rightful owner.
2. The chief of police may formulate rules and regulations in conformity with, and for the purposes of carrying out, this chapter.
B. The chief of police or his designee shall have authority to determine whether any animal has engaged in the behaviors, or exhibits any of the characteristics, of a dangerous animal. (Ord. 1824, 6-16-2015)
The police department shall keep a record of every animal impounded pursuant to this chapter which shall include a description of the animal, the date of receipt, the date and manner of disposal, the name of the person redeeming or purchasing, and the fees, charges and proceeds of sales received on account of said animal, and any additional records as may be required. (Ord. 1824, 6-16-2015)
There shall be provided by the police department a suitable building, enclosure, or other support facility to keep and safely hold all animals impounded pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and said building, enclosure or other support facility shall be known and designated as the "shelter". (Ord. 1824, 6-16-2015)
There may be provided by the city certain defined open spaces for the purposes of allowing dogs to run freely in a specified enclosed area, and said enclosed open space areas shall be known and designated as "dog parks". Dog parks shall be regulated by rules to be adopted by the city manager and/or his/her designee. (Ord. 1824, 6-16-2015)