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   (a)   The Director of Public Safety-Service may permit the installation of either storm or sanitary sewer lines to serve new real estate subdivisions, commercial developments, or any lot or land, or part of a lot or land located within the corporate limits of the City. The sewer lines authorized to be installed shall be connected to the proper sewer system, sanitary or storm, to either existing or new sewer lines, unless the proposed sewer extension will result in overloading the existing sewer system, in which case the permission for connecting to an existing sewer may be denied until such time as the necessary capacity to accept the sewage flow from the proposed extension has been constructed and made available.
   (b)   All new services, either storm or sanitary, main lines and laterals, and their appurtenances shall meet the specifications adopted as standard by the City for the construction and installation of sewers, and any plans or specifications for the extension of sewer lines must be approved by the Director of Public Safety-Service, or his authorized representative.
(Ord. 3-06. Passed 3-14-06.)
   (a)   All extensions of sanitary or storm sewers to serve new real estate developments or any lots or land within the corporate limits of the City shall be constructed by the Developer or land owner at his or their own expense, which expense shall include, but not be limited to, the full cost of installation of the required sewer lines, including the costs to repair any damage to public or private roadways, or improvements, any and all inspection costs, the cost of the preparation of plans and estimates, and all other expenses related to the construction and installation of required sewer lines, unless Section 911.10(b) is applicable.
   (b)   The developer or land owner shall submit proper plans, specifications, and estimates for the construction and installation of the required sewer lines, and shall obtain the approval of the Director of Public Safety-Service or his authorized representative, of the plans and specifications. The sewer lines shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, and the provisions of the Codified Ordinances relative to the installation of sewers.
   (c)   The developer and/or land owner shall be required, prior to beginning any construction or installation of approved sewer lines, to post a bond to the City, in an amount to be determined by the Director of Public Safety-Service, to insure proper and complete installation of the sewer lines, the repair of any damage to existing public improvements, and compliance with the provisions of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 3-05. Passed 3-14-06.)
   Except as specifically provided by ordinance all construction of sewer extensions in streets and public ways not already supplied with sewage shall be in accordance with one of the following procedures:
   (a)   Construction by Owners. In dedicated streets or in new developments, the Director of Public Safety-Service may permit a developer or land owner to arrange for the laying of sewer extensions by private contract, provided however the performance of the work shall be done under the supervision and control of the Director of Public Safety-Service. In the construction of any sewer extension the plans shall have prior approval by the Director of Public Service-Safety and only duly authorized and approved materials shall be permitted. All contractors installing sewer extensions shall be required to furnish bond, either in cash or security, as a guarantee against defective workmanship or materials, and shall be required to pay to the City all cost and expense it incurs for inspection and supervision of the sewer extension work.
   (b)   Assessment in Accordance With the Ohio Revised Code. The owners of property to be served by a proposed sewer extension may petition the City for the construction of such an extension, and the assessment of the cost of the improvement shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code. (Ord. 3-06. Passed 3-14-06.)
   (a)   The Director of Public Safety-Service, upon authorization by Council, may permit the extension and installation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, or both, beyond the corporate limits of the City, and allow such extensions to be connected to existing or new sewers within the corporate limits, provided the existing sewers have the capacity to accept the new sewage flow they will be expected to receive, and that the new sewer extensions meet the specifications adopted as standard by the City for its sewer collection system. The plans and specifications for all sewer extensions outside the corporate limits shall be approved by the Director of Public Safety-Service, prior to the commencement of any construction.
   (b)   All extensions of sewers outside the corporate limits shall be effected only upon written agreement between the City and the land owner, or owners requesting the extension of the sewer line. Extensions of the sewer lines shall follow the procedures set forth in Section 911.10 of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 3-06. Passed 3-14-06.)
   (a)   All sewer lines installed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, whether within or outside the corporate limits of the City, shall, upon connection with existing City sewer lines, become the sole property of the City, and thereafter the City shall exercise exclusive control over the sewer lines.
   (b)   The Director of Public Safety-Service shall have the authority and the right to further extend any sewer line extension, under any of the procedures set forth herein, to serve additional premises beyond any original or subsequent extension of a sewer or sewers without reimbursement to anyone who might have contributed to an earlier extension of a sewer or
sewers. (Ord. 3-06. Passed 3-14-06.)
   The determination of the estimated cost of any proposed extension of a sanitary or storm sewer shall include, but not be limited to, all items of material and labor, including costs occasioned by the opening of pavements, street reconstruction or resurfacing, rock digging, together with allowances for engineering, testing, inspections, storage and delivery of materials and equipment all necessary to construct the extension.
(Ord. 3-06. Passed 3-14-06.)