EDITOR'S NOTE: Ohio R.C. 729.51 provides that the Director of Public Service may make such bylaws and regulations as are necessary for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of the sewerage system and sewage pumping treatment and disposal works and for the construction and use of house sewers and their connections to the sewerage system. Such bylaws and regulations shall have the same effect as ordinances when not repugnant thereto or to the Constitution or laws of the State of Ohio. The Director of Public Service, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 729.50, shall manage, conduct and control the sewerage system and sewage pumping, treatment and disposal works and shall collect such sewer rental rates as are established by ordinance of Council.
911.01 Sewer connections.
911.02 Connection with public sewers required.
911.04 Licensed worker.
911.05 Regulations for use.
911.06 Material for house sewer.
911.07 Enforcement by Director of Public Safety and Service.
911.08 Sewer extensions within the corporate limits.
911.09 Developer’s or lot owner’s expenses, plans and bonds.
911.10 Sewer installation procedures.
911.11 Sewer extensions outside corporate limits.
911.12 Ownership of extended sewer lines.
911.13 Determination of estimate of costs of sewer extension.
911.14 Plat approval before extension of sewer lines into new subdivisions.
Power to license sewer tappers - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
Power to regulate water closets and privies - see Ohio R.C. 715.40
Compulsory sewer connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06
Management and control of sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 729.50
Regulations to control house sewers and connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.51
Untreated sewage - see Ohio R.C. 3701.59
Interference with sewage flow - see Ohio R.C. 4933.24