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   All connections with main sewers in the center line of a street or beneath a pavement of a street shall be made in accordance with specifications approved by the Director of Public Safety and Service, and such pipe shall extend from the main sewer to a distance of three feet beyond the curb or curb line of the pavement on either side.
(Ord. 236. Passed 4-27-37.)
   No owner or occupant of any lot or land located within the corporate limits shall establish, construct, maintain or permit to remain a privy, cesspool or other receptacle for sewage or excreta, or a connection to a private sewer, ditch or other outlet, if such lot or land is accessible to a public sewer constructed and used for the purpose of conveying sewage and if a public water main or other water supply satisfactory to permit use of plumbing is available. When such public sewer and water main or other water supply are available or are hereafter made available, a connection to such public sewer shall be established and used by such owner or occupant.
(Ord. 306. Passed 11-24-42.)
   (a)   No person, corporation, public agency, partnership, limited liability company, or association whatsoever shall connect, or cause to be connected, any lot, building or other structure either directly or indirectly with the city wastewater treatment system for the purpose of discharging sanitary sewage or industrial waste therefrom without first securing from the Director of Safety and Service, or his authorized representative, a permit for such purpose in a form prescribed by the Director of Safety and Service, and in addition, prior to the issuance of such permit, the applicant therefor shall first pay the charges provided for in subsection (b) hereof, and any applicable charges determined in accordance with any provision of this section, in full.
      (1)   Any person required to connect to the City Wastewater Treatment System shall apply for and obtain a petmit to cmmect from the City Water Departuient in compliance with the ordinances of the City of Port Clinton, and the rules and regulations of the City Wastewater Treatment System. All applicable fees and charges shall be paid to the City Water Department prior to issuance of a permit.
      (2)   Permits to connect for building sewers connecting to newly developed subdivisions or areas will not be issued until final construction inspection of the sanitary sewer main has been made by the inspector.
      (3)   Permit shall be valid for 120 days from the date of issuance. The expiration date of the permit shall be noted on the permit issued. If a permit expires and work has not been completed, all work shall be stopped by the inspector and the property owner or agent shall be required to complete an application for permit renewal provided by the City Water Department and submit it along with a permit renewal fee and any other applicable fees and charges.
      (4)   A repair permit shall be required for any repairs that are made on building sewers or appurtenances, private collection sewers, or as deemed necessary by the Director of Safety and Service.
      (5)   Permits shall be available on the job site at all times until the job is completed and approved.
      (6)   All costs and expense incident to the installation and connection of sanitary sewers and appurtenances shall be borne by the property owner(s). The property owner(s) shall indemnify the City from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of a sanitary sewer or appurtenance.
      (7)   The issuance of a permit by the City to connect or repair a sanitary sewer does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of securing permits from the proper governmental or private agencies for the permission to work in public or private rights of way or easement areas.
      (8)   Applications for installation of sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances for new subdivisions, sanitary sewer extensions or any special project shall be made on a special form furnished by the City Water Department. The application shall be signed by the property owner, and/or the developer. A permit shall not be issued until all applicable plans/specifications, easements, approvals, general requirements, and fees and charges have been submitted. All applicable fees and charges shall be paid at the time application is made for a permit.
   (b)   The Safety Service Director, shall not issue a permit for the purposes described in subsection (a) hereof until the Applicant therefore shall have paid all applicable fees and charges as set forth herein. The fees herein established are intended to reimburse the City for reasonable costs of inspection and other administrative costs related to the making of connections to the City Wastewater Treatment System. The fees and charges to be imposed are set forth as follows:
      (1)   A permit fee of $50.00 shall be charged for every new permit to connect(or install) issued.
      (2)   A repair permit fee of $50.00 shall be charged for each repair permit issued. If the property owner is replacing, deleting, or adding less than one (1) length of pipe, testing may not be required if the inspector deems it unnecessary.
      (3)    A petmit renewal fee of $25.00 shall be charged when an original permit has, expired and the work has not been completed. A renewal permit shall be issued upon application and payment for a permit renewal.
      (4)   An inspection fee of $100.00 shall be charged for each new or repaired sewer line connected to the City Wastewater Treatment System.
      (5)   When new sanitary sewer mains (public or private, or laterals) are installed or extended to subdivisions, developments, or other special projects by private developers, the developer shall reimburse the City for all inspections and plan review costs incurred by the City on the project. A plan review/inspection fee deposit of $750.00 shall be required from the developer at the time of application for permit. When final construction approval has been granted by the City's inspector, all City plan review and inspection costs shall be calculated by the City. The City shall include one (1) hour inspection time for the final visual inspection of the sewer improvements to be made after one (1) year of operation (warranty period). Any overrun in plan review/inspection costs over the original amount deposited shall be billed to and paid by the developer. Thirty (30) days shall be given to remit payment by the developer. If total plan review/inspection costs are less than the original amount deposited, the City shall refund the difference to the developer as soon as reasonably possible after construction.
   (c)   When a connection is made to the City Wastewater Treatment system, the Safety Service Director, or his authorized representative, shall not issue a permit for the purpose described in subsection (a) hereof until the Applicant therefore shall have paid, in addition to the charges specified in Subsection (b) hereof, a tap-in charge to be in accordance with the following:
Commencing July 1, 2015 Benefitted Unit of One Equals $105.00
   The following equivalency factors are based upon the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency guide and are computed on the basis of the probable demand a user places on the public water system. The probable flow rate demand is correlated to the demand expected by a single family dwelling by the use of equivalency factors shown below. The minimum equivalency factor that shall be met is one(1) when computing fees and charges (unless [1] E.D.U. already exists on the property). Equivalency factors for types of users not listed must be determined by the Safety- Service Director on an individual basis.
Single Family Dwelling
per dwelling
per apartment
per unit
Mobile Homes (free standing)
per unit
Mobile Home Parks
per home space/lot
Rental Cottages
minimum per cottage
Efficiency Rental
per unit
Assembly Halls
per seat
Boat Docks
-Indiv. Owned w/o dwelling
-Indiv. Owned w/dwelling
per dock space
per dock space/parcel-lot
Bowling Alleys (no food serv.)
per lane
Car Wash
per automatic bay
per manual bay
- with no kitchen
- with kitchen
per seat
per seat
Country Clubs
per person
Dance Halls
per person
per bed
Drive-in Theatres
per car space
  - with no showers
- with showers
per employee
per employee
Food Service Operations
- Restaurant (not 24 hours)
- Restaurant (24 hour serv)
- Banquet Rooms
- Tavern
- Drive-in Service
- Restaurant (along freeway)
per seat
per seat
per seat
per seat
per space
per seat
Gas (fuel) Station
first pump island
Per add’l pump island
per bed
per person
Laundries (coin operated)
per machine
with pump out connected to
City sewer system
with restrooms & showers
per dock, rack & storage space
per dock, rack & storage space
Motels/Sleeping Cab. Guest Rm.
per unit
Nursing & Rest Homes
per patient
per resident employee
per non-resident employee
Office Buildings
per employee
R.V. Parks & Camps (primitive)
per space
R.V. Park & Camps (full service)
per space
Recreation Parks
per park capacity
Retail Store
per employee
School (elementary)
per pupil
School (junior & high)
per pupil
Shopping Center
per 100 s.f., no food/laundry
Swimming Pool (w/no showers)
per swimmer (capacity)
Swimming Pool (w/showers)
per swimmer (capacity
Youth and Recreation Camps
per person (capacity)
* Total equivalent factor per establishment shall be a minimum of one (1).
** If a person owns a mobile home (trailer) or recreational vehicle (travel trailer) and a dock space simultaneously within the same subdivision or parcel of land, that person's E.D.U. shall be based upon a mobile home or R.V. only.
   For any use not shown herein, the equivalency factor shall be determined by the Safety Service Director on the basis of accepted engineering practice on the basis of anticipated flow from applicant when compared to a single-family residence where the flow of 400 gallons per residence per day will be considered as a unit of one.
   The connection charge( tap-in fee) shall be calculated in accordance with this schedule by multiplying the base rate of $105.00 times the equivalency factor times the number of units to equal the total tap in charge.
   (d)   For the purposes of providing revenue to help finance and to more equitably distribute the cost of construction of necessary additions to both the sewer system and the sewage treatment facilities, it is hereby determined and declared necessary to provide for the establishment, exaction, and regulation of a sanitary sewer-capacity charge as hereinafter determined with such charge to be in addition to any and all other fees which may be imposed with respect to the City sewer system.
   The funds received from the collection of such charge, as it is herein authorized, shall be deposited with the City Treasurer who shall credit them to a fund from which the Council of the city may take appropriations for the payment of the cost and expense of the construction, operation, maintenance, management and repair of the sanitary sewerage systems, storm sewer systems, pumping stations and sewerage treatment works and for the payment of the cost and expense of replacement, extensions to or the enlargement of the same and for the payment of the principal and interest on any debt incurred for the construction of such sewerage system, storm sewer system, pumping stations, and sewerage treatment works and for the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of such debt.
   The Director of Safety and Service shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to exact a sanitary system-capacity charge whenever: (1) Application is made for the issuance of a sewer permit to provide sanitary sewer service to a new structure; (2) At the time an existing structure is enlarged or its use changes; and (3) When an existing structure is removed and a new structure built and reuse is made of an existing sanitary sewer service or new sanitary sewer service is constructed, wherever such property is or will be tributary, directly or indirectly, to any sanitary sewer built or maintained by the City, either inside or outside the corporate limits of said City.
   The system capacity charge is established as $205.00 per benefitted unit (EDU). The capacity charge shall be calculated in accordance with the schedule set forth in paragraph C of this
Section, by multiplying the capacity charge of $205.00 times the equivalency factor times the number of units (ED Us) to equal the total capacity charge to be paid.
   (e)   System Capacity Charges and charges for connections (tap-ins) made to the City wastewater treatment system for properties outside the boundaries of the City and not subject to any separate governmental agreements shall be one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the applicable charge for a connection made within the City.
   (f)   The Director of Safety and Service shall collect the connection charge (tap-in fee) and system capacity charge for all applications submitted for connection(s) to the City sanitary sewer system.
   (g)   The permits and charges provided for in this Chapter shall not be deemed to preclude the subsequent levy of special assessments against benefitted properties to provide funds for the construction, replacement, rehabilitation or other improvement of sanitary sewers required to provide sewer service to such properties, and the permits and charges provided for herein shall be in addition to any other petmits and charges required by law and any other Ordinances or regulations of the City.
   (h)   In the event that the Safety-Service Director shall ascertain that any lot or land or building or other structure has been connected directly or indirectly to the City Wastewater Treatment System in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter, and the owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of such lot or land fails or refuses to disconnect the same upon being directed to do so by the Safety Service Director, the Director is hereby authorized to cause such lot or land to be disconnected from the system, until such violation shall cease. The City shall be reimbursed by the violator for expenses incurred by the City in making such disconnection.
   (i)   Whoever violates any provision of this section shall upon conviction be fined as provided in Section 911.99.
   (j)   All charges collected pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be deposited in the Sewer Revenue Fund created pursuant to Section 915.03.
(Ord. 14-15. Passed 7-14-15.)
   No house sewer shall be constructed and no connection shall be made to a public sewer by any person who has not been authorized and licensed to do the work.
(Ord. 307. Passed 11-24-42.)
   The written permission to construct a house sewer or to make a connection to a public sewer shall specify the permissible use of such house sewer and connection, and such specifications shall be governed by the following requirements: sewage, including wastes from water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, laundries, cellar floor drains, garage floor drains, bars, soda fountains, cuspidors, refrigerator drips, drinking fountains, stable floor drains and other objectionable wastes, shall be discharged into a sanitary or combined sewer and in no case into a storm water sewer. Industrial waste shall not be discharged into a storm water sewer but may be discharged into a sanitary sewer if the waste is of such character as not to be detrimental to the sewer system or to the sewage system works, it shall be otherwise disposed of in a satisfactory manner or so improved in character as not to be detrimental to the sewer system or sewage treatment works. Surface water, rain water from roofs, subsoil drainage, building foundation drainage, cistern overflow, clean water from condensers, waste water from motors and elevators and any other clean and unobjectionable waste water shall be discharged into a storm water or combined sewer and in no case into a sanitary sewer. Connection with a cesspool or a privy vault shall not be made into a sanitary, combined or storm water sewer.
   A trap for the interception of grease and oil shall be provided on a connection from a hotel, restaurant, club or institutional kitchen, and from a public garage or automobile washing station. Such trap shall be satisfactory to the Director of Public Safety and Service.
   No person shall discharge into a house sewer or tap a house sewer for the purpose of discharging into it any waste or drainage water prohibited by the provisions of this section. Any existing connection in violation of the provisions of this section shall be abandoned and removed.
(Ord. 307. Passed 12-24-42.)
   The house sewer and connection to a public sewer shall be constructed in the manner of materials approved by the Director of Public Safety and Service. The house sewer shall be of best quality salt glazed hub and spigot vitrified sewer pipe, or such other materials as are approved by both the Department of Health of the State of Ohio and the City Engineer, not less than six inches in internal diameter and laid in open trench. The joints shall be made watertight by a method approved by the Director of Public Safety and Service. In order to permit ventilation of the public sewer and house sewer, no trap shall be placed in the house sewer. After the sewer is laid and before it is covered or used, it shall be inspected and approved by the Director of Public Safety and Service.
(Ord. 4-67. Passed 1-24-67.)
   The Director of Public Safety and Service is authorized and directed to adopt and enforce specifications and regulations in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of providing control of the installation of sewer connections and inspection thereof. The Director shall maintain accurate and complete records of all permits issued for and inspections made of the construction of house sewers. He shall also require the abandonment and removal of connections to the public sewers which violate the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 307. Passed 11-24-42.)