919.01 Definitions.
919.02 Contract for residential unit solid waste collection.
919.03 Insurance required for collection contractor.
919.04 Equipment specifications and identity of collection contractor.
919.05 Performance bond required for collection contractor.
919.06 Container regulations.
919.07 Service and weekly collection mandatory.
919.08 Billing and collection.
919.09 Noncompliance, remedies, and costs.
919.10 Regulations for multi-family dwellings and commercial establishments; license required.
919.11 Storage of residential solid waste and recyclable materials collection containers.
919.12 Ownership.
919.13 Uncollected garbage or refuse declared a nuisance.
919.14 Rules and regulations.
919.15 Leaving furniture, junk, litter, rubbish, or anything else of an unsightly nature at the curbside or alley for more than twenty-four hours prohibited.
919.99 Penalty.
Collection and disposal - see Ohio R.C. 715.43, 717.01
Employment of scavengers - see Ohio R.C. 3707.39
Disposal and transportation upon public ways - see Ohio R.C. 3767.20 et seq.
Vehicle loads dropping, sifting, leaking - see TRAF. 339.08
Littering - see GEN. OFF. 521.08