§ 32.071 MEMBERSHIP.
   (A)   The membership be as provided by said statute, and shall be composed of three persons in the town government, to be appointed by the Town Council, and four citizen members to be appointed by the President of the Town Council, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party.
   (B)   Initial terms of citizen members shall be:
      (1)   Two for a term of three years;
      (2)   Two for a term of four years; and
      (3)   Citizen members shall hold no other office in the town government and shall be residents of the town.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-46) (Ord. 2-1955, passed - -)
   The Town Council establishes a Recreational Advisory Committee for the town. The Committee shall be composed of five members, all residents of the town, three to be appointed by the Town Council, one by the Guilford Township School Board and one by the Guilford Township Library Board. Of the original five members, three shall be appointed to serve four-, three- and two-year terms by the Town Council, one shall be appointed to serve a two-year term by the School Board and one shall be appointed to serve a one-year term by the Library Board. Thereafter, re-appointments shall be for four- year term, all terms to expire on the first Monday in January, and the fractional portion of 1971 to be considered a full one-year period, and the proper Board shall appoint a member to complete an unexpired term if such should occur.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-48) (Res. passed 7-26-1971)
§ 32.086 MEETINGS.
   (A) At the first regular meeting of each year, the Recreational Advisory Committee shall elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary from within its own membership.
   (B)   The Town Council may attend all meetings of the said Recreational Advisory Committee, if said Town Board desires, and the said Recreational Advisory Committee shall fix a time and place for its meeting, and shall meet at least quarterly, or more frequently, if determined necessary, three members shall constitute a quorum, and said Committee shall keep minutes of its proceedings.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-49) (Res. passed 7-26-1971)
   The Recreational Advisory Committee shall function under the direction of the Town Council and shall:
   (A)   Submit an annual report to the Town Council;
   (B)   Submit recommendations for the enlargement of recreational programs and facilities;
   (C)   Recommend regulations and rules governing the use of the park and recreation facilities by the public;
   (D)   Prepare and recommend an annual budget for nonexisting recreational activities to the Town Council for approval;
   (E)   Administer programs as directed by the Town Council; and
   (F)   Perform such other function as the Town Council may direct.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-50) (Res. passed 7-26-1971)
   There is established an Emergency Management Agency (hereafter referred to as the “Agency”) for the purpose of responding to disasters and other emergencies. The Agency shall adopt a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (hereafter referred to as the “Plan”) for the purpose of coordinated response to such disasters and emergencies.
(Ord. 19-2004, passed 9-27-2004)