(A)     Recit als incor porated .
      (1)     Whereas, I.C. 36-5-2-4.1 requires the Town Council of the Town of Plainfield, Indiana to redistrict the town's legislative body districts in the second year after a year in which a federal decennial census is conducted; and
       (2)   Whereas, the Council desires to establish new legislative body districts for the elections occurring in 2023 and thereafter utilizing the 2020 decennial census data as updated for the town by any special census, special tabulation or corrected census count as required by I.C.1-1-3.5-3; and
       (3)   Whereas, the Council desires the public to be fully informed regarding the procedures to be used to redistrict the town's legislative body districts; and
       (4)   Whereas, the Council wishes to memorialize the legal and procedural requirements to be used by the Council in approaching the redistricting process and in evaluating proposed redistricting plans.
   (B)   Redistricting guidelines adopted. The Council hereby adopts and approves the “Redistricting Guidelines by the Town Council of the Town of Plainfield, Indiana” (the “Guidelines”) attached to Resolution 2022-50 as Exhibit "A", and specifically incorporated herein by reference, as the definitive statement of the intent of the Council regarding the redistricting process and as an accurate statement of the process to be used by the Council in reapportioning legislative body districts.
    (C)   Appointment of Redistricting Coordinator. The Council hereby designates the Council President to serve as the town's Redistricting Coordinator to coordinate the legislative body redistricting process and to implement the Guidelines.
    (D)   Charge to Coordinator. The Redistricting Coordinator appointed herein is authorized, empowered and directed to become fully informed regarding the legal requirements of the redistricting process, to work with the town's special legal counsel to develop a proposed Redistricting Plan that complies with all requirements of state and federal law and with the Guidelines for consideration by the Council, and to report back to the Council from time to time regarding all aspects of the redistricting process.
(Res. 2022-50, passed 8-8-2022)