(A) (1) A quorum of the Council must be present to take official action.
(2) A QUORUM is defined as a majority of the elected members of the Council.
(B) (1) Official action requires a majority vote.
(2) A majority vote is a majority of all elected members, not a majority of the quorum.
(C) (1) The Clerk-Treasurer becomes an ex officio member of the Council only when there is a tie vote.
(2) The Clerk-Treasurer may vote to break a tie.
(D) On passage or adoption of any ordinance or resolution the yeas and nays shall be taken and entered in the record.
(1991 Draft Code, § 3-9) (Ord. 6-81, passed 12-14-1981)
Statutory reference:
Quorum of the Council, see I.C. 36-5-2-9.2
(A) The Town Council shall, by ordinance, fix the compensation of its own members.
(B) The compensation of an elected town officer may not be changed in the year below the amount fixed for the year 1980.
(1991 Draft Code, § 3-10)
Statutory reference:
Compensation for members of the Council, town officers and employees, see I.C. 36-5-3-2