The purchasing agency shall be required to maintain adequate documentation regarding its reverse auctions so that the transactions may be audited as provided by law. The purchasing agency shall maintain an indexed file of specifications prepared by or under the authority of its purchasing agents for each reverse auction in which the purchasing agency participates.
(Res. 2007-24, passed 11-12-2007)
Type of supply ______________
Requesting agency ___________
___________ Purchase description
___________ Description of contractual terms and conditions
___________ Evaluation criteria to be used (circle selections)
Other ___________ (specify)
___________ Requirements imposed on trusts
___________ Pre-qualification criteria
___________ Description of information and documentation required for pre-qualification
___________ Evidence of financial responsibility required? (Circle selection)
Certified check
Bid bond
Other ___________ (specify)
___________ Performance bond required?
___________ Deadline for submission of pre-qualification information
___________ Location and manner in which pre-qualification information to be submitted
___________ Locations, including websites, where invitation to bid may be viewed, including any third
party procedures
___________ Third party conducting reverse auction?
___________ Statement as to how pre-qualified bidders may submit offers
___________ Date and time at which reverse auction bidding period commences; approximate length
of initial bidding period
___________ Statement concerning bidding period extensions
___________ Deadline for submission of initial price by pre-qualified bidders
___________ Statement of conditions under which reverse auction may be postponed, rescheduled,
or cancelled
___________ Place and approximate time at which offers may be viewed publicly after close of bidding
___________ Statement concerning imposition of fee by town or third party service charge
___________ Town contact information
___________ Third party contact information
___________ Notice of invitation for bids published
Date of first publication _____________
Date of second publication ___________
___________ Date of reverse auction bidding period
) SS:
_____________ COUNTY )
The undersigned offeror or agent, duly swears, under penalties for perjury that he has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be offered by any person nor to prevent any person from making an offer nor to induce anyone to refrain from making an offer.
Offeror (Firm)
Signature of Offeror or Agent
(Res. 2007-24, passed 11-12-2007)
(A) The town hereby adopts the internal control stands policy attached to Ord. 17-2016 and incorporated in this section.
(B) The Clerk-Treasurer is directed to ensure that all personnel receive training concerning the internal control procedures adopted and approved in this section prior to June 30, 2016.
(C) The town hereby adopts a materially threshold of $5,000 for purposes of the internal control procedures adopted and approved in this section.
(Ord. 17-2016, passed 6-27-2016)
(A) (1) The provisions of I.C. 5-14-1.5-1 et seq. including definitions, apply to this section.
(2) This section shall be known as the “Electronic Meetings Policy” of the Council and applies to the Council and any committee appointed directly by this Council or its presiding officer.
(B) (1) Subject to divisions (C) and (E) below, any member may participate in a meeting by any
electronic means of communication that:
(a) Allows all participating members of the governing body to simultaneously communicate with each other; and
(b) Other than a meeting that is an executive session, allows the public to simultaneously attend and observe the meeting.
(2) A member who participates by an electronic means of communication:
(a) Shall be considered present for purposes of establishing a quorum; and
(b) May participate in final action only if the member can be seen and heard.
(3) All votes taken during a meeting at which at least one member participates by an electronic
means of communication must be taken by roll call vote.
(C) (1) At least 50% of the members must be physically present at a meeting at which a member will participate by means of electronic communication. Not more than 50% of the members may participate by an electronic means of communication at that same meeting.
(2) A member may not attend more than 50% of the meetings in a calendar year by an electronic means of communication, unless the member’s electronic participation is due to:
(a) Military service;
(b) Illness or other medical condition;
(c) Death of a relative; or
(d) An emergency involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.
(3) A member may attend two consecutive meetings (a set of meetings) by electronic communication. A member must attend in person at least one meeting between sets of meetings that the member attends by electronic communication, unless the member’s absence is due to:
(a) Military service;
(b) Illness or other medical condition;
(c) Death of a relative; or
(d) An emergency involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.
(D) The minutes or memoranda of a meeting at which any member participates by electronic means of communication must:
(1) Identify each member who:
(a) Was physically present at the meeting;
(b) Participated in the meeting by electronic means of communication; and
(c) Was absent; and
(2) Identify the electronic means of communication by which:
(a) Members participated in the meeting; and
(b) Members of the public attended and observed the meeting if the meeting was not an executive session.
(E) No member of the Council may participate by means of electronic communication in a meeting at which the Council may take final action to:
(1) Adopt a budget;
(2) Make a reduction in personnel;
(3) Initiate a referendum;
(4) Impose or increase a fee;
(5) Impose or increase a penalty;
(6) Exercise the Council's power of eminent domain; or
(7) Establish, impose, raise or renew a tax.
(F) (1) If an emergency is declared by:
(a) The governor under I.C. 10-14-3-12; or
(b) The Town Council president under IC 10-14-3-29;
members are not required to be physically present for a meeting until the emergency is terminated.
(2) Members may participate in a meeting by any means of communication provided that:
(a) At least a quorum of the members participate in the meeting by means of electronic communication or in person;
(b) The public may simultaneously attend and observe the meeting unless the meeting is an executive session; and
(c) The minutes or memoranda of the meeting must comply with division (D) above.
(3) All votes taken during a meeting at which at least one member participates by an electronic
means of communication must be taken by roll call vote.
(G) This section shall be effective from and after adoption by this Council and compliance with I.C. 36-5-2-10.
(Res. 2021-39, passed 6-14-2021)
(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter, for which no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 10.99.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-161) (Ord. 14-90, passed 9-10-1990)