10.08.010 Resolutions for parking, standing or stopping.
   The city council may by resolution prohibit or restrict the stopping, standing or parking on streets, highways, city parking lots or public areas (whether improved or unimproved) within the city, or any portion thereof, during all or certain hours of the day. No such resolution shall apply until signs or markings giving adequate notice thereof have been placed by the public services department. (Ord. 94-05 § 1, 1994: Ord. 92-07 § 1, 1992: Ord. 89-14 § 1, 1987: prior code § 10.08.005)
10.08.020 Stopping or standing prohibited where.
   No operator of any vehicle shall stop, leave standing, permit to be stopped or permit to be left standing, such vehicle:
   A.   Within ten feet of any intersection;
   B.   Within ten feet of any fire hydrant;
   C.   Directly in front of any building in which is housed fire fighting apparatus belonging to the city;
   D.   In any reserved space, except to take on or let off passengers or merchandise, unless otherwise provided in this chapter;
   E.   In an intersection;
   F.   In a crosswalk. (Prior code § 10.04.180)