10.08.040 Stopping, standing and parking restrictions.
   A.   All of the streets and highways in the city now existing or hereafter created or dedicated are declared streets, and all the city parking lots or public areas (whether improved or unimproved) upon which driving, stopping, standing or parking of vehicles shall be limited and restricted; provided, that such street, lot or public area is properly signposted or marked so as to designate the limitation or restriction placed herein. The council may from time to time limit or restrict the driving, stopping, standing or parking of vehicles upon any public street, city parking lot or public area in the city. Such limitation or restriction shall be effectuated by resolution of the council specifying the streets, lots and public areas and limitations or restrictions on driving, standing, stopping or parking therein, followed by proper signposting of the street, lot or public area.
   B.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no person shall stop, stand, park or leave standing any vehicle in any city parking lot at any time between the hours of 11:00 p.m. of one day and 4:00 a.m. the following day unless otherwise authorized by permit issued by the city manager or his/her designee, or unless authorized by written agreement with the city.
   C.   When authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall drive, stop, stand or park any vehicle on any street, city parking lot or public area in the city in violation thereof. (Ord. O-2016-004 § 8, 2016: Ord. 94-05 § 2, 1994: Ord. 92-07 § 2 (part), 1992: prior code § 10.04.200)
10.08.050 Reserved parking spaces.
   The council shall determine the location of all reserved spaces. No such reserved spaces shall be marked as such without the council passing a resolution specifically designating the space to be reserved and the purpose of the reservation. All reserved spaces shall be reserved for such purposes only as are indicated under the provisions of Section 472 of the California Vehicle Code, and the markings used to indicate such spaces shall be in accordance with the provisions of said section of the Vehicle Code, to which reference is made in this section. (Prior code § 10.04.210)
10.08.060 Curb markings.
   A.   Marks may be placed on the curbs to indicate the various types of local parking regulations. These regulations shall apply to vehicles, bicycles, scooters and any other device propelled by human power and/or mechanical power. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 21458(a), the following colors only shall be used, and the colors indicate as follows:
   1.   Red indicates no stopping, standing or parking, whether the vehicle, bicycle, scooter or any other device propelled by human power and/or mechanical power is attended or unattended, except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or sign posted as a bus loading zone.
   2.   Yellow indicates stopping only for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers or freight for the time as may be specified by local ordinance.
   3.   White indicates stopping for either of the following purposes:
   a.   Loading or unloading of passengers for the time as may be specified by local ordinance;
   b.   Depositing mail in an adjacent mailbox;
   4.   Green indicates time limit parking specified by local ordinance.
   5.   Blue indicates parking limited exclusively to the vehicles of disabled persons and disabled veterans.
   B.   Letters or official signs immediately adjacent may also be placed on the curbs stating the nature and duration of the restrictions or regulations of parking. No marks will be placed on curbs except by or under the direction of an official properly authorized by the council. When any such marks are in place, no person shall park a vehicle in violation thereof. (Ord. 95-11 § 2, 1995; Ord. 93-13 §1, 1993: prior code § 10.04.220)
10.08.070 Parking for more than seventy-two hours prohibited.
   A.   Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22651(k), no vehicle shall be parked or left standing upon any highway within the city for seventy-two (72) or more consecutive hours.
   B.   For the purposes of this section, "highway" shall mean a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel, including but not limited to a street, city parking lot, alley or other public area, whether improved or unimproved.
   C.   A vehicle shall be considered to have been parked or left standing upon a highway if it has not been moved at least one hundred (100) feet away, and remains at least one hundred (100) feet away, from the position it occupied at the beginning of the seventy-two (72) hour period, or if the odometer on said vehicle exhibits a change less than one-tenth (1/10) of one mile. A vehicle may be found to be in violation of this section whether occupied or not.
(Ord. O-2018-004 § 1, 2018: Ord. 94-05 § 2, 1994: Ord. 92-20 § 1, 1992: Ord. 92-07 § 3, 1992: prior code § 10.08.050)
10.08.080 Parking for the physically handicapped.
   A.   The city manager shall designate special "blue curb" parking spaces for the purpose of providing on-street parking for exclusive use of disabled persons.
   B.   The city manager shall designate parking stalls or spaces in publicly owned, leased, or controlled off-street parking facilities for exclusive use by disabled persons.
   C.   The city declares that there are privately owned and operated parking facilities which should reserve parking spaces for exclusive use of disabled persons.
   D.   Designation of parking spaces for disabled persons shall be made by posting immediately adjacent to and visible from same a sign consisting of the international symbol of access; on-street spaces shall be designated by blue paint on the curb or edge of the paved portion of the street adjacent to the spaces:
   This facility is subject to public traffic regulations and control. Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing license plates or placards issued for physically handicapped persons will be issued citations and towed away at owner's expense.
   This sign shall also display the international symbol of access, and shall be posted at the entrance to the parking facility or immediately adjacent to and visible from the reserved space(s).
   E.   No person shall park or stand any vehicle in a disabled persons parking space designated as required in subsection D of this section, unless said vehicle bears a special license or displays a special placard issued under the provisions of Section 22511.5 of the California Vehicle Code.
   F.   Blue curb on-street parking spaces shall be operative twenty-four hours a day, Sundays and holidays included; off-street disabled persons parking spaces shall be operational at all times the parking facilities in which they are located are open.
   G.   Parking zones for disabled persons are subject to any temporary parking prohibitions established by the city, including daily prohibitions necessary for traffic control, construction and street maintenance.
   H.   Fines for violation of this subsection shall be as set out in Vehicle Code Section 42001(A). (Ord. 90-19 § 2(M), 1990; prior code § 10.08.055)
10.08.090 Enforcement of Section 10.08.070.
   Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22507, the provisions of Section 10.08.070 shall not be effective until signs or markings giving adequate notice of the parking prohibition have been placed within the city as prescribed by law. (Prior code § 10.08.060)
10.08.100 Authority to remove vehicles from streets.
   Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22651, any police officer of the city police department may remove a vehicle from a street, highway, city parking lot or public area (whether improved or unimproved):
   A.   When a vehicle is parked or left standing upon a street, highway, city parking lot or public area for seventy-two or more consecutive hours in violation of Section 10.08.070;
   B.   When a vehicle is illegally parked on a street, highway, city parking lot or public area in violation of a city ordinance forbidding standing or parking and the use of a highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street, highway, city parking lot or public area, or for the installation of underground utilities, and signs giving notice that such vehicle may be removed are erected or placed at least twenty-four hours prior to the removal;
   C.   Where the use of the street, highway, city parking lot or public area, or any portion thereof, is authorized by the council for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic; or for the movement of equipment, articles or structures of unusual size; and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided, that signs giving notice that such vehicle may be removed are erected or placed at least twenty-four hours prior to the removal;
   D.   Where any vehicle is parked or left standing upon a street, highway, city parking lot or public area where the same has been prohibited by ordinance or resolution and signs have been posted giving notice of such removal. (Ord. 94-05 § 4, 1994: Ord. 92-07 § 4 (part), 1992: prior code § 10.08.070)