Whenever any police officer of the city removes a vehicle from a street or highway within the city pursuant to this chapter, said vehicle shall be removed and stored pursuant to the provisions of California Vehicle Code Section 22850, et seq. (Prior code § 10.08.080)
A. The owner or operator of any motor vehicle exercising the privilege of parking a vehicle on any street or portion thereof where regulations are in effect restricting the length of time vehicles may be parked on a street or portion thereof does so on the condition that the police officers or parking control officers of the city may place chalk or other removable marks on the tire of the vehicle for the purpose of enforcing such parking regulations.
B. It is unlawful for any person to erase, rub out, conceal or otherwise remove, any chalk or other mark so placed by a police officer or parking control officer while the marked vehicle remains parked on the street or portion thereof. For the purpose of this section, the movement of a previously marked vehicle in such a manner as to cause the tire marking to be concealed or removed, and without leaving the parking space or the block where such vehicle was parked when its tires were previously marked shall be deemed to be an erasure or removal of such chalk or other marking. (Ord. 92-20 § 2, 1992)
A. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22507, it shall be unlawful to park any oversize vehicle or trailer on any public street within a business district between the hours of 11:00 p.m. of one day and 4:00 a.m. of the next day.
B. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22507, it shall be unlawful to park any oversize vehicle or trailer on any public street within the following boundaries: all that area of the city southwest of United States Highway 101 between the intersection of Dolliver and Price Streets on the northwest, and Addie Street, as extended from the Pacific Ocean to United States Highway 101, on the southeast.
C. As used herein, "business district" shall be defined pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 235.
D. As used herein, "oversize vehicle" shall be defined as any vehicle, or combination of connected vehicles and/or trailers, in excess of twenty-three (23) feet in length, inclusive of bumpers, or any vehicle or combination of connected vehicles and/or trailers, in excess of eighty-four (84) inches high at any point.
E. As used herein, "trailer" shall be defined pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 630.
(Ord. O-2018-004 § 2, 2018)