§ 32.031 POWERS.
   The Board of Health shall have such powers as are granted by of Ohio Revised Code and shall also make any other orders, rules and regulations as deemed necessary for the prevention of diseases, for the benefit of public health and the prevention, abatement or suppression of nuisances. Orders, rules and regulations made by the Board of Health shall have the same force and effect as ordinances of the city, as provided by R.C. § 3709.20, and any person who violates or fails to comply with any such orders, rules or regulations shall be subject to the penalties provided by R.C. §§ 3707.48 to 3707.53, inclusive, and R.C. § 3707.99. The Board of Health shall also have the power to assess the cost and expenses for the prevention, abatement and suppression of nuisances, and to certify the cost and expenses to the County Auditor to become a lien against the property so assessed, and to compel proprietors and owners, agents, assignees, occupants or tenants, of the lot or property, house or building, upon or in which the nuisances may be, to abate and remove the same.
(‘97 Code, § 33.11) (Ord. C-749, passed 8-4-52; Am. Ord. 19-23, passed 12-12-23)