8.24.280 CITATIONS.
   A.   Each citation shall be for an infraction and shall specify the section of this chapter or other city ordinance which identifies the particular nuisance for which the citation is issued. The citation shall briefly describe the nuisance, the date the violation was witnessed, the location of the violation, the identity of the citing officer, and identity and address of the individual to whom the citation is issued. A citation may be issued only when the citing officer has actually observed the violation. The citation shall also contain the time, date and place where the individuals being cited may appear to answer the charges stated in the citation.
   B.   The citation shall contain a space for the signature of the individual to whom it has been issued who, by signing, promises to appear in court to answer to the charges or else post and forfeit bail in lieu of appearance. A citation also may not be issued unless the individual being cited signs the citation and promise to appear in court to answer the charges or to post and forfeit bail in lieu of appearance. If the individual continues to refuse to sign, a police officer may arrest him or her for a misdemeanor that was committed in the officer's presence. (Ord. 2004-10 § 2(part), 2004; Ord. 01-107 § 2(part), 2001).