18.63.100   Specific regulations—San Xavier environs historic zone (H-1).
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of this zone is to promote the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare through conservation of the historical heritage of Pima County by delimiting an area of influence from an established historic site and by providing for certain appropriate controls.
   B.   Definitions.
      1.   Established historic site. A registered national historic landmark or historic place (or state of Arizona historic landmark or historic place) as incorporated in the National (or State) Register of Historic Places.
   C.   Use Restrictions Zone A.
      1.   Scope. Within an area of one mile from an established historic site, the additional regulations of this subsection shall apply and shall be superimposed over an existing zone.
      2.   Density. The density shall not exceed two living units per thirty-six thousand square feet of lot area.
      3.   Development Standards.
         a.   No off-site signs shall be permitted, and all on-site signs shall comply with the sign regulations in 18.79.050(O) (Sign Standards).
         b.   All outdoor lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15).
         c.   Commercial and industrial uses shall also comply with Section 18.63.100(C)(3)(b) and (C)(3)(c). All developments shall provide planting screens or approved walls on the side or sides oriented towards the historic site no less than six feet in height.
         d.   Regardless of any other regulation no structure shall exceed two stories (maximum height: Thirty feet).
         e.   The requirements of this section shall not apply to the alteration of another established historic site within the influence zone.
         f.   The color of all structures shall be earth tones.
         g.   The planning and development services director shall require landscaping appropriate to the natural vegetation of the area.
   D.   Use Restrictions Zone B.
      1.   Scope. Within an area of one and one-quarter of a mile and one mile from an established historic site, the additional regulations of this subsection shall apply and shall be superimposed over an existing zone.
      2.   Density. A density of four units per thirty-six thousand square feet shall be permitted; provided, that the developer obtain the proper zoning as provided in Chapter 18.91 (Zoning Code Amendments and Zone Changes);
      3.   Development Standards. In accordance with Section 18.63.100(C)(3).
   E.   Use Restriction Zone C.
      1.   Scope. Within an area of one and one-half of a mile to one and one-quarter mile from an established historic site, the additional regulations of this subsection shall apply and shall be superimposed over an existing zone.
      2.   Density. A density of six units per thirty-six thousand square feet shall be permitted, provided that the developer obtain the proper zoning as provided in Chapter 18.91 (Zoning Code Amendments and Zone Changes);
      3.   Development Standards. In accordance with Section 18.63.100(C)(3).
   F.   County staff shall review all development plans within a mile and one-half of the San Xavier Mission for conformance to this section. Appeals shall be directed to the design review committee (refer to Section 18.99.030 Design Review Committee.
(Ord. 2011-2 § 15 (part), 2011; Ord. 1985-141 § 1 (part), 1985; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)