18.07.020   Lots and parcels.
   A.   Splitting of Lots.
      1.   No lot or parcel of land held under one ownership on February 16, 1953, shall be reduced in size below the minimum lot area or lot width required by this code; and
      2.   No building or use permit shall be issued for such deficient lot or parcel or portion thereof, except that on one street frontage of any one block of a subdivision, where lots having less than the minimum lot area or lot width existed prior to February 16, 1953, and existing unimproved lots so that minimum-size building lots may be used if split in accordance with the pattern previously established for the block; provided, that any new lot or building site so formed has not less than eighty percent of the minimum lot area and lot width required in the zone.
   B.   Exceptions for Lots of Records.
      1.   This subsection shall apply to any lot:
         a.   Shown upon an official subdivision map duly approved and recorded prior to February 16, 1953; or
         b.   For which a bona fide deed is on record in the office of the county recorder; or
         c.   For which a valid, bona fide contract of sale was in full force and effect on February 16, 1953, and said map, deed or contract of sale was of record on said date; or
         d.   Split in accordance with the exception of Section 18.07.020A.
      2.   Any such lot may be used as a building site; provided:
         a.   The yard and other requirements of this code are complied with; or
         b.   If private subdivision restrictions or regulations were of record and unexpired on February 16, 1953, establishing less restrictive yard and area requirements for said lot, and at least one lot in said subdivision was improved in compliance with said private restrictions prior to said effective date, the zoning inspector may issue a permit under said private restrictions as to yard and area requirements for any use permitted by this code for said lot, but no permit shall be issued for more than one dwelling unit on any lot having less than the minimum area per dwelling unit of the zone in which said lot is located;
      3.   Each minimum side yard may be reduced by two inches for each one foot by which such lot is narrower than fifty-five feet; provided, that no minimum side yard shall be narrower than five feet;
      4.   The minimum rear yard may be reduced three inches for each one foot by which such lot is less than one hundred twenty-five feet in depth; provided, that no minimum rear yard shall be less than twenty feet.
   C.   Area, Screening and Setback Credits for Trails Access Dedications.
      1.   The area of a lot or parcel dedicated to the county for public trails access shall be credited to the lot or parcel to satisfy any area, screening or setback requirement of a rezoning, this code or any permit issued thereunder.
      2.   Requests for the implementation of an area, screening or setback credit for public trails access shall be initiated by or submitted for approval to the director of the parks and recreation department.
      3.   Dedications and requests so approved by the director of the parks and recreation department shall be forwarded to the board of supervisors for acceptance.
(Ord. 1993-80 § 1, 1993; Ord. 1985-188 § 1 (part), 1985; Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)