No person or persons shall dispose of these items within their normal solid waste collection:
(A) Hazardous waste, herbicides, pesticides and chemicals;
(B) Liquid waste such as oil, paint, gasoline and antifreeze;
(C) Tires and rubber products;
(D) Dead animals and pathological waste/medical waste;
(E) Batteries;
(F) Construction/demolition material including but not limited to concrete, lumber, bricks, blocks, asphalt, gravel and the like;
(G) Explosives or other volatile substances;
(H) Fire, embers, ashes and other such fire causing materials;
(I) Poisons and toxic waste;
(J) Industrial or commercial wastes of any type;
(K) Motor vehicle parts or metal in large amounts;
(L) Nuclear or radioactive waste;
(M) Stumps, logs or tree limbs;
(N) Sludges of semi-solid fluids; and
(O) All other hazardous wastes.
(Ord. 0-92-005, passed 2-24-92; Am. Ord. 2007-032, passed 10-9-07) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) To dispose of garbage, refuse, rubbish or debris by dumping same on any premises in the city with or without the consent of the owner of the premises;
(B) To dump or permit the dumping of garbage, refuse, rubbish and debris on any property within the city;
(C) To deposit solid waste in any solid waste container other than his or her own, without the written consent of the owner of such container and/or with the intent of avoiding payment of the service charge hereinafter provided for solid waste collection and disposal;
(D) To fail to have solid waste collected as provided in this chapter;
(E) To interfere in any manner with solid waste collection and transportation equipment or with solid waste collectors in the lawful performance of their duties as such, whether such equipment or collectors shall be those of the city or those of a solid waste collection agency operating under contract with the city;
(F) To burn solid waste unless an approved incinerator is provided or unless a variance has been obtained from the appropriate air pollution control agency;
(G) To dispose of dead animals in any container to be collected by the city;
(H) To own or operate an open dump;
(I) To engage in the feeding of food waste to animals for commercial purposes;
(J) To dispose of solid waste at any facility or location which is not approved and permitted by the city;
(K) To engage in the business of collecting, transporting, processing or disposing of solid waste within the geographical boundaries of the county without a permit, contract or franchise agreement from the city, operate under an expired permit, or operate after a permit has been suspended or revoked, or contract or franchise agreement canceled; and
(L) To violate any section of this chapter or any other rule or regulation promulgated under the authority of the city.
(Ord. 0-92-005, passed 2-24-92; Am. Ord. 2007-032, passed 10-9-07) Penalty, see § 50.99
All users which generate more than a volume of two (2) cubic yards (that is, approximately equivalent to five hundred (500) pounds or one quarter (1/4) ton or four hundred (400) gallons) of solid waste per week as predetermined by the Public Works Manager shall be required to provide bulk containers for storage as approved by the Public Works Manager. The containers shall be water proof, leak proof and shall be covered at all times except when depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof; and shall meet all requirements as set forth by the Public Works Manager.
(Ord. 0-92-005, passed 2-24-92; Am. Ord. 2007-032, passed 10-9-07) Penalty, see § 50.99
No owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of any building or dwelling may leave outside the dwelling or building, in a place accessible particularly to children, any abandoned or unattended white goods (that is, icebox, refrigerator or other receptacle that has an airtight door) without first removing the door.
(Ord. 0-92-005, passed 2-24-92; Am. Ord. 2007-032, passed 10-9-07) Penalty, see § 50.99
Solid waste collectors, employed by the city or a solid waste collection agency operating under contract with the city, are hereby authorized to enter upon private property for the purpose of collecting solid waste therefrom as required by this chapter. Solid waste collectors shall not enter dwelling units or other residential buildings for the purpose of collecting residential solid waste.
(Ord. 0-92-005, passed 2-24-92; Am. Ord. 2007-032, passed 10-9-07)