For the purpose of this subchapter and for the numbering required by this subchapter, diagonal streets shall be considered north and south streets or east and west streets, as the case may be, according whether their course lies nearest north and south or east and west; those whose course lies nearest north and south shall be considered north and south streets, and those whose course lies nearest east and west shall be considered east and west streets. Streets lying at an angle of 45 degrees shall be considered a north and south street.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-6) (Ord. 90-6-1, passed - -)
For the purpose of this subchapter and for the numbering required by this subchapter, if any blocks are longer than 1,100 feet, then for the purposes of this subchapter, 1,100 feet will be considered the maximum length of any block, and the numbering for the next property shall be considered as a separate block.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-7) (Ord. 90-6-1, passed - -)
In case of the establishment, extension or vacation of any street or part of a street in the town, the numbering on a part or a whole of such street, as the case may be, shall be made or remade, if necessary, to conform to this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-8) (Ord. 90-6-1, passed - -)
From time to time, as circumstances may require, in case of the renumbering of any street or in case buildings shall be built or rebuilt, or numbers shall be destroyed, or for any reason buildings shall not be properly numbered, notices shall be given and the numbering shall be made as required in this subchapter. Buildings spanning property that encompasses more than one number, as is provided by this subchapter, shall be numbered as follows: Residential homes shall be given that number which is that number applicable to that part of the lot upon which the entrance to the home is situated; two-family and other structures with more than one entrance shall be given a number for each entrance that coincides with the lot upon which it is located.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-9) (Ord. 90-6-1, passed - -)
(A) Multiple units. Where multiple units are served by a singularly numbered street entrance, or the entrances thereto do not front a street, then the units shall be each separately lettered with consecutive letters. A sketch of the units and the letters assigned to them shall be delivered to the Town Clerk-Treasurer, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall, in turn, deliver copies of such sketches to the Fire Department, Police Department and emergency medical service.
(B) Multiple street entrances. Second street entrances within a property carrying one number shall carry the fraction of one-half, but if there be more than two separate entrances, then quarter fractions shall be used so that the first additional entrance shall be one-fourth, the second additional entrance shall be one-half and so on.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-10) (Ord. 90-6-1, passed - -)