General Provisions
151.01 Obstruction and damaging sidewalk
151.02 Damaging streets
Street Names and Block Numbers
151.15 Street names
151.16 Numbering system
151.17 Numbering base
151.18 Block numbering
151.19 Number spacing
151.20 Directional designation
151.21 Block length variations
151.22 Vacation, extension procedure
151.23 Renumbering procedure
151.24 Multiple units and additional entrances
151.25 Numbers required for all buildings
151.26 Compliance requirement
151.27 Time limit for compliance
151.28 Numbering by town
151.99 Penalty
It shall be unlawful for any person to place any obstruction in the streets or upon the sidewalks of the town, without first obtaining the written permission to do so from the Town Marshal, Town Clerk or Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 9-4-1) (Ord. 10, passed - -) Penalty, see § 151.99