(A)   The purposes of the establishment of the system are to provide for possession, control and use of all storm and surface water drainage facilities in the city, to be responsible for maintenance of all storm water facilities, improve, manage, operate and repair storm water facilities, provide for effective management and financing of the system within the city, provide methods for mitigating the damaging effects of uncontrolled and unplanned storm water runoff, improve the public health, safety and welfare by providing for the safe and efficient capture and conveyance of storm water runoff and the correction of storm water problems, authorize the establishment and implementation of a master plan(s) for storm drainage including design, coordination, construction, management, operation, maintenance, inspection and enforcement, establish a reasonable water quality service charge based on each property’s contribution of storm water runoff to the system and to encourage and facilitate urban water resources management techniques including detention of storm water runoff, minimization of the need to construct storm sewers and the enhancement of the environment.
   (B)   In order to accomplish such purposes, a water quality service charge shall be made on all real property within the city. The primary consideration in setting the service charge shall be each property’s contribution to runoff.
   (C)   The water quality service charge shall be fair and reasonable and bear a substantial relationship to the costs connected with the system. Rate studies shall be conducted periodically.
   (D)   Service charges for residential properties of two or fewer dwelling units shall reflect the relatively uniform effect that residential development has on runoff. Large residential lots, parcels or tracts generally have a lower overall intensity of development than small residential lots because a lesser percentage of larger lots, parcels or tracts are covered with hard surfaced area. The effect of large residential properties on runoff is lowered by less imperviousness.
   (E)   Multi-family residential properties and land uses other than residential shall pay according to the amount of runoff as computed by multiplying the number of ERU’s times a charge per ERU.
   (F)   An appeal and service charge adjustment process shall be created to review water quality service charges when unusual circumstances exist which alter runoff characteristics or when either service or benefit varies from normal conditions or when computation of ERU is disputed.
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)