§ 150.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person who violates any provision of the state codes adopted in § 150.001 shall be subject to the following penalties:
      (1)   Violators of the state’s Plumbing Code shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $100, imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both, for each offense.
(KRS 318.990)
      (2)   Violators of the state’s Standards of Safety shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $25, nor more than $1,000, imprisonment for not more than 60 days, or both, for each offense.
      (3)   Violators of the state’s Building Code or the Uniform State Residential Code shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $1,000, for each offense.
(KRS 198B.990(1))
Statutory Reference:
   Violations of State Building or Residential Code; penalty, see KRS 227.990(1)
   (B)   Any person not complying with § 150.015 shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10 and not more than $50 for each offense. Each day which the house number or numerical address is not displayed as herein required shall constitute a separate offense.
(Prior Code KOC, § 950.3, passed 9-4-1979)
   (C)   If any person shall remove house numbers and/or address signs in violation of § 150.016, he or she, upon conviction therefor, for each offense, may be fined $100 or both and/or sentenced to up to 72 hours in jail, or both.
(Prior Code KOC, § 120.36, passed 3-2-1998)
   (D) A violation of §§ 150.080 through 150.089 shall be punishable by a fine of $100, plus court costs, and each day of violation after the expiration of the 30-day period provided in § 150.087 may constitute a separate offense for the purpose of calculating the penalty.
(Ord. 2005-6, passed 4-4-2005)
   (E)   Any failure of refusal to comply with the provisions of §§ 150.125 through 150.137 is hereby designated a violation. Each day that a violation of §§ 150.125 through 150.137 continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Any person, firm or corporation who violates the terms of §§ 150.125 through 150.137 shall be fined an amount not to exceed $250 for each offense.
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)
I,                                                                     hereby certify and attest that I own the contiguous properties at                                                      , located in the city, also indicated with the following parcel identification numbers. Consolidate these parcel identification numbers to the master parcel identification number and account billed to the address below.
                                                                 Master Parcel No.                                     
                                                                 Billing Address:                                        
As such I acknowledge and accept that I will be charged and will pay in a timely manner all water quality user fees applied under the interim and regular fee schedules according to City Code. I certify and attest
that this information is true and correct under penalty of applicable state and local laws. I request that these water quality accounts be consolidated for the purposes of water quality user fee billing.
Certifier and Applicant                              City Engineer (Witness)
Printed Name:                                                       Printed Name:                              
Signature:                                                             Signature:                                    
Date:                                                                    Date:                                           
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)
I,                                                                    hereby certify and attest that I represent the condominium properties at                                                      , located in the city, also indicated with the following parcel identification numbers. Consolidate these parcel identification numbers to the master parcel identification number and account billed to the address below.
                                                                 Master Parcel No.                                     
                                                                 Billing Address:                                        
As such I acknowledge and accept that I will be charged and will pay in a timely manner all water quality user fees applied under the interim and regular fee schedules according to City Code. I certify and attest
that this information is true and correct under penalty of applicable state and local laws. I request that these water quality accounts be consolidated for the purposes of water quality user fee billing.
Certifier and Applicant                              City Engineer (Witness)
Printed Name:                                                       Printed Name:                              
Signature:                                                             Signature:                                    
Date:                                                                    Date:                                           
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)
I,                                                                                                      own the following property:
Master Parcel No.                                                                                                                      
Billing Address:                                                                                                                         
Hereinafter referred to as the OWNER.
And I,                                                                                                 own the following property:
Master Parcel No.                                                                                                                      
Billing Address:                                                                                                                         
Hereinafter referred to as the ASSIGNEE.
By virtue of this Agreement, the assignee agrees to pay for                                                            
equivalent residential units (ERUs) of impervious area from the owner’s parcel being described as to dimensions in Attachment “A”. The Attachment shall be considered the legally controlling description of this agreement. This impervious area ERU will be deducted from the owner’s property and added to the assignee’s property impervious area measurement. Should the assignee fail to make the payment then the responsibility will revert back to the owner. This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving written notice to the other party with thirty 30 days notice. The adjustment in water quality service fees will not be reflected until the billing year following the year the agreement is agreed to or terminated.
Owner                                        Assignee
Printed Name:                                                       Printed Name:                                    
Signature:                                                             Signature:                                          
Date:                                                                    Date:                                                  
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)