   All monies collected through service charges and other fees authorized herein, shall be deposited in a special revenue account and shall be separately identified and accounted for in the city’s financial records. Collection and disbursement of such monies shall be administered according to generally accepted principles of governmental accounting. All such money shall be used for costs and expenses, including administrative costs and salaries, related to the water quality drainage system established by this subchapter.
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)
   When any service charges remain unpaid for a period of 30 days for monthly billings and 45 days for quarterly billings after the same becomes due and payable, the property, the tenant and the owner thereof, shall be deemed delinquent until the time as all rates, fees and charges are fully paid; and the city may terminate public sewer, water and drainage service to that property and pursue its legal remedies against the tenant or owner to obtain payment.
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)
§ 150.136 NO LIABILITY.
   Floods and storm water runoff may occasionally occur which exceeds the capacity of the system. This subchapter does not imply nor create a duty on the city to insure that property subject to fees and charges established herein will always be free from flooding or flood damage, or that stormwater systems capable of handling all storm events can be cost effectively constructed, operated or maintained. Nor shall this subchapter create a liability on the part of, or cause of action against, the city or any of its elected officials, officers or employees for any flood damage or any damage that may result from storms or runoff thereof.
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 6-1-2009)