(A)   A connection fee in an amount set from time to time by resolution of the Council must be paid into the water system prior to hook-up.
   (B)   All installation expenses for a new service line from the water main to the house, business etc. will be the owner's responsibility. Installation cost shall include, but shall not be limited to all excavation, backfill, road cutting, boring of road, replacement of roadway material to match existing road surface, sidewalk replacement if required, curb box with water shut valve. Village will provide one standard 5/8"water meter per address, if additional meters are requested, it is at the property owner's expense and all work must be approved by DPW and cost to be covered by property owner’s expense. The resident or business is responsible for installation and expenses of water line from the village water main to the property line or right-of-way when pertaining to out lots to the business or residence.
(Ord. 2009-02, passed - -2009; Ord. passed 10-11-2012; Ord. 2009-02, passed 8-8-2016)