A. This Chapter shall be known as the BUILDING WATER CONSERVATION CODE OF PERSHING COUNTY. It may be cited as such or referenced by the short title of "water code" or in this Chapter as "this code".
B. This Chapter governs all new residential and commercial construction, and all replacement of plumbing fixtures in both residential and commercial buildings.
C. All definitions of the plumbing code adopted by Nevada Revised Statutes are applicable. However, for the purposes of this code, the following definitions apply and supersede similar definitions wherever found:
COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION: All restrooms and bathrooms in commercial, industrial and public establishments, including, but not limited to: restaurants, bars, nightclubs, public buildings, comfort stations, schools, gymnasiums, factories, offices and athletic clubs.
RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION: All single-family dwellings, apartments, condominiums, hotels, motels and townhouses. (Ord. 119 §1, 1991)
In all new residential construction and in all replacement of plumbing fixtures in existing residential construction, the following conservation devices shall be installed and maintained:
A. All mixing faucets must be designed to deliver a maximum of two and one-half (21/2) gallons per minute or must be equipped with flow control devices that deliver a maximum of two and one-half (21/2) gallons per minute.
B. All showerheads shall be of a type that deliver a maximum of two and one-half (21/2) gallons per minute.
C. All toilets shall be designed to use a maximum of one and one-half (11/2) gallons per flush.
D. Evaporative cooling systems and all fountains, waterfalls and other decorative, water-using facilities shall be equipped with approved water recycling or reuse systems. (Ord. 119 §2, 1991)
In all new commercial construction and in all replacements of plumbing fixtures in existing commercial construction, the following conservation devices shall be installed and maintained:
A. All showerheads shall be of a type that delivers a maximum of two and one-half (21/2) gallons per minute.
B. All toilets shall be designed to use a maximum of one and one-half (11/2) gallons per flush.
C. All urinals shall be designed to use a maximum of one gallon per flush. No urinals shall be installed which use a timing device to flush periodically irrespective of demand. Continuous flow urinals are prohibited.
D. All lavatories must be equipped with either spring-loaded faucets that close when not in use or faucets that are equipped with metering valves that close automatically after delivering a maximum of 0.25 gallon. Multiple faucets activated from a single point are prohibited.
Exception: Public restrooms may be equipped with faucets designed for the physically handicapped.
E. Evaporative cooling systems and all fountains, waterfalls and other decorative water-using facilities shall be equipped with approved water recycling or reuse systems. (Ord. 119 §3, 1991)
The Director of the Department of Building may allow the use of a standard fixture or a special design where the applicant shows evidence that a health hazard or physical conflict would arise or where there is an unavailability of water-saving fixtures, or where the above requirements would cause a greater quantity of water to be used to properly operate the fixture. (Ord. 119 §4, 1991)