9.16.010: Definitions
9.16.020: Findings And Declarations
9.16.030: Discharge Of Firearms
9.16.040: High Powered Rifle
9.16.050: Unlawful Use Of Spotlight
9.16.060: Exceptions
9.16.070: Penalties
9.16.010: DEFINITIONS:
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
FIREARM: Any weapon, the discharge of which in the ordinary manner contemplated by its design and construction will, or is likely to, cause injury, death or great bodily harm.
PEACE OFFICER: Any person who lawfully carries a gun, pistol or other weapon in the course of his official duties. (Ord. 242, 2007)
The board of county commissioners finds and declares:
   A.   Recreation in Pershing County has traditionally included the use of firearms by the citizens of the county for use in recreational activity.
   B.   That the use of firearms in open areas around housing units constitutes a danger to the inhabitants of those housing units. To aid in the control of this danger, the board of county commissioners declares that it is necessary to regulate the use of firearms for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Pershing County. (Ord. 242, 2007)