Temporary structures used in conjunction with construction activities shall be permitted only during the period of construction. A permit for the location of a temporary structure must be obtained from the Zoning Inspector before the building is placed on the site. Said permit shall be valid for a maximum of three (3) months.
(Ord. 717. Passed 7-10-89.)
(a) Purpose.
(1) The purpose of this section is to identify and regulate accessory structures to ensure that such structures do not create public safety or public nuisance issues and do not create an adverse aesthetic from street rights-of-way, adjacent and neighboring properties. The intent of these regulations is to complement the requirements and standards of the Village of Perrysville Zoning Code.
(b) Accessory structures.
(1) No permit shall be required for accessory structures forty-nine square feet (49 sq. ft.) or smaller.
(2) Accessory structures shall be subordinate to the principal use of a building or to the principal use of land and which is located on the same lot serving a purpose customarily incidental to the use of the principal building or land use, provided, however, that there shall be no “accessory use” or “accessory structure” without the prior establishment or construction of the principal use or building.
(3) Accessory structures shall be permitted in all districts, provided, however, that such accessory structures shall be subject to the following rules and regulations concerning their location, erection and construction:
A. No more than two (2) accessory structures (exclusive of detached garage) shall be permitted on a lot smaller than six-thousand square feet (6,000 sq. ft.).
B. No more than four (4) accessory structures (exclusive of detached garage) shall be permitted on a lot in size of six-thousand-one square feet (6,001 sq. ft.) to twelve thousand square feet (12,000 sq. ft.).
C. Accessory structures shall be located in the rear and side yard.
D. Accessory structures shall be no closer than three (3) feet of any property line.
(c) Detached garage.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to supplement the specifications and standards of the Village Perrysville Zoning Code while creating a visual appeal from the right-of-way or adjacent and neighboring properties.
(2) Detached garages.
A. For the purposes of this section a “detached garage” shall mean a separate building having no common wall with the main building on the lot.
B. All detached garages shall be constructed of conventional building materials.
(3) Detached garage setback.
A. Detached garages shall be located in the side yard or rear yard requirements.
(4) Detached garage use.
A. All detached garages shall be for storage of materials or equipment incidental to the permitted use of the property.
(d) Storage Units.
(1) Purpose.
A. The purpose of this section is to regulate the use of portable storage units in all Zoning Districts throughout the Village while protecting the public health, safety, and welfare, and to encourage positive aesthetics in the community.
(2) Cargo/shipping containers.
A. Cargo/shipping containers shall only be permitted in districts zoned A (Agriculture) and I (Manufacturing).
B. Cargo/shipping containers shall not exceed one hundred ninety square feet (190 sq. ft.).
C. As a condition of placement, cargo/shipping containers shall be required to be fenced or screened from abutting properties and/or rights-of-way.
D. Cargo/shipping containers shall not be placed in front yard requirements.
E. Cargo/shipping containers in districts zoned I (Manufacturing) and A (Agriculture) shall be stacked no more than two (2) high.
(3) Portable storage units.
A. The purpose of this section is to regulate the use and location of portable storage units. These units are typically known by the names: PODS (Portable on Demand Storage Units), SAM (Store and Move), Smartbox USA, and units. These types of units are typically used for moving, temporary storage during construction and other purposes as may be listed below.
B. Definition. For the purpose of this section “Portable Storage Unit” shall mean any rentable or leaseable enclosed unit of durable construction or material, generally eight feet (8') in width by eight feet (8') in height by seven (7') to sixteen (16') feet long, designed for temporary storage which can be transported by truck, left on site or are filled and removed and stored at a central location.
C. General regulations. Portable storage units may be permitted as a temporary structure in any Zoning District as follows:
1. Portable storage units are to be removed within five (5) calendar days after the unit is no longer necessary or construction is complete, whichever is sooner.
2. A portable storage unit shall only remain on a property for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of installation. A request for an extension may be granted by the Zoning Inspector.
3. Portable storage units are only permitted on a lot containing an existing main building or the construction thereof.
4. Only one (1) portable storage unit shall be placed on a lot at one time.
5. Portable storage units must be located on a paved area or gravel area unless located on a construction site where a driveway is not yet installed, in which case the portable storage unit shall be located in the proposed driveway location.
6. Portable storage units shall be located entirely on the owner’s lot as close to the residence as possible, not blocking any site lines.
7. No part of the portable storage unit shall be located on any public property or in the right-of-way.
D. Extension. The thirty (30) day limitation set forth in subsection C.2. herein may be extended upon approval of the Zoning Inspector, for good cause shown, provided that the applicant has complied with the requirements of this chapter.
E. Exceptions. The Zoning Inspector, in the event of emergencies, such as floods, wind storms, fires, or other natural disasters, and man-made disasters, such as sewage back-ups, water leaks, electrical overloads and other similar events beyond the control of the property owner or resident may relax the enforcement provisions of this chapter to make reasonable allowances for the extension of time periods, limit on number of containers, locations of containers on property, and other appropriate waivers where necessary to assist in recovery, restoration, mitigation of further damage and construction efforts.
(e) Prohibitions.
(1) No accessory building shall be used for human occupation.
(2) No person shall rebuild, overhaul or dismantle a vehicle or mechanical equipment in any open front or side yard requirements.
(3) Subsection (e)(2) shall not apply to any licensed automobile service stations and/or repair shops with a copy of license on file at the Village office.
(4) The use of cars, trucks, vans, truck boxes, converted mobile homes, trailers, recreational vehicles, bus bodies and similar prefabricated as accessory structures or storage units are prohibited.
(5) No portable storage unit shall be used for human or animal occupation.
(6) No electrical or plumbing service shall be connected to or provided in the portable storage unit.
(7) The placement of any portable storage unit shall be located in such a manner on any property as not to create public nuisance.
(f) Zoning Permit Required.
(1) A zoning certificate shall be required for all accessory structures larger than fifty square feet (50 sq. ft.).
(g) Penalty.
(1) Any violations of the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties listed in the Codified Ordinances of Perrysville, Section 1123.11.
(Ord. 9-2022. Passed 7-11-22.)
(a) Mineral extraction and related activities shall occur where permitted by these Codified Ordinances and only after a valid Zoning Certificate has been obtained.
(b) Mineral extraction and related activities shall occur no closer than five hundred (500) feet from any structure intended for human occupancy.
(c) The operator of any facility used for mineral extraction shall submit to adjacent property owners, roads, natural features and any additional information deemed necessary by the Inspector.
(d) The operator of any facility used for mineral extraction shall submit to the Zoning Inspector a plan outlining how the area shall be reclaimed. The plan shall include the anticipated future use of the property, final topography indicated by contour lines of intervals of not more than five (5) feet, the type of trees and shrubs, and number per acre, type and quality of grass to be spread, location of roads, location of proposed drainage courses, plus any additional information deemed necessary by the Zoning Inspector.
(e) In most cases a performance bond, payable to the Village of Perrysville, shall be filed by the operator of such facility. This bond shall be held to guarantee satisfactory compliance by the operator with the requirements of this Ordinance. The rate per acre of property to be mined shall be fixed by the Village. Said bond shall be released by the Village upon written certification of a compliance with this Ordinance and satisfactory completion of the reclamation plan.
(Ord. 717. Passed 7-10-89.)
Home occupation, as defined, may be permitted in the Districts identified in this Ordinance, after a valid Zoning Certificate has been obtained. The operator of a home occupation shall submit an application to the Zoning Inspector, along with a fee established by the Village of Perrysville, to receive such a Certificate. The structure used for the home occupation shall be inspected every twelve (12) months to ensure continued compliance with this Ordinance.
(Ord. 717. Passed 7-10-89.)